I'm always up for a NF or 2 usually on most nights from 8PM I'm willing to help the brothers out and like you looking for regulars to run them
I'm happy to join in whenever for night falls. It's getting to be like a full time job keeping up now lol. Just add me, psn as my name:)
Generally on after 10pm week days but without mic but will always be up to help on nightfall if have completed or not add me and send invite if need . Send friend request anyway.
Add me bud! Psn- mic1874
Can't guarantee a regular spot but am typically on 4 or 5 evenings out of 7 for a couple of hours from 9pm - generally blundering around just doing bounties or strikes (still waiting for an exotic bounty to drop!!). Give me a shout anytime marmot--elite on PS4. I'll send a FR next time I'm on - and to all you other commentors too :)
I don't have anything specific on a Wednesday and am happy to help out even if i've done them.
Usually on after ten give me an invite if I'm not already in one or raid I'm happy to help
Always willing to help. Look me up on destiny when ur looking a guardian, if im not in a raid team chuck me an invite, even if im running a story r that. Im usually just pissing aboot :) Same for any guys that read this.
What days or nights were you thinking of?
yeah i sometimes struggle to find people to nf with, so may be interested depending on times/ days etc