originally posted in:PC Xbox Alpha
Greetings Alpha clanmates,
It has occurred to me that I haven't been properly introduced to some of you gents, so I figured I'd do that now. Hi, I'm [b]hooey[/b], one of two Admins here for this clan. I'm also a Moderator on the DoD website, so you'll see me here and there. With that being said, I'm a proud member of Alpha, and I've had the pleasure of making the acquaintance of some awesome dads. So I wanted to share that with some potential new members. With most of the clans on Twitter, including the founding members, I figured we needed a presence on twitter also. I have taken the liberty of creating our very own twitter page in the hope that it can be a useful tool for us to get information out to our members, and have an open line of communication with more clans outside of Bungie.net.
For those interested... here is our link: https://twitter.com/DoD_360_Alpha