originally posted in:PC Xbox Alpha
Good Morning,
If you have not seen my post on the group wall, please take a look. It will give a little back story on what in about to post now.
The leaders of TAS, Bravo, Delta, and I have discussed at length the events that occurred this past Tuesday, and have made the decision to leave the DoD and for our clans to begin a group founded on the original intent of the DoD. I have spoke individually to several of our clanmates to get their opinions, and they have all been supportive this far. So far Bravo and TAS have left the DoD. Delta may be following suit, along with the European Union clan (for separate, but equally bad situation)
What this change means for you: really, it won't change anything but our name and the DoD tag that you get in game on your name tag. We will continue to be a family oriented group of mature gamers, be it dads, moms, aunts, Uncles, and children.
If you would like to remain with the DoD, I totally understand your decision. I will not try to persuade you to stay with us. I just cannot in good conscience have my clan support a group that has become restrictive and self serving. Effective 2PM EST I will be disassociating all my clans from the DoD
I hope you will join me,
I can't find any record of what caused the rift between DoD and this clan. Is it possible for you to edit the OP with a link? Or summarize the reason why the name of the clan was changed. I came looking for answers as to why my in-game clan name had changed. Or even what it means. Part of my in-game identity has changed and without knowing why this has become a bit stressful. Can you please help me by letting me know the full details.
Is the X1 clan changing as well?
Oh great... There goes my DoD tattoo... Just joking.
The wall post appears to be just past the scrolling limit. I read it earlier, but was in a bit of a hurry and only skimmed it (trying to find out what FoG stood for). Would you mind explaining briefly here the details of what happened and why we broke from DoD? From what I understand, I support your decision 100%, for the record.
Thanks for having me in FoG Alpha, I had fun in DoD but the times, they are a changin.
Thank you for making executive decisions. I couldn't find your previous wall post, though. Could you message me a brief on what happened on Tuesday?