originally posted in:Dads of Destiny UK PS4 II
Xur has the icebreaker for sale this weekend.. Which will be great for my first epic weapon.... But I'm 3 coins short of the cost. Does anyone fancy doing the weekly heroic as I've tried to solo and failed... A lot 😂
Also it would be a good chance to break the ice ahem..
Big props to junior for letting me and iceman join at the last breaths to cash in on a nice haul of coins .... I will be adding everyone who replied if you don't mind as I have missed out on the weekllys and tbh its great having some like minded ppl to play with online is great... thanks for all the offers and im sure I will play with you all soon. Just rushing off to get as many bounties done as poss to lvl up my shiny new ice breaker
Just grabbing for a quick bite.. Then off to the weekly lvl 24 look forward to seeing g some of you guys soon
If i get on tonight I can help you out add Malal
I need to do a level 24 weekly strike on my alt character if that's any good for you, i'll be on about 8pm
I have 2 weeklys to run too, gamertag same as my username on here. Wouldn't want to see anyone miss out on the Icebreaker, probably the most useful gun in the game
Hello mate, I need to do both tonight if you're about then???
Hey dude, ill be back on after 12 if you still haven't managed it by then. MegaWarMonkey
Hi mate if I'm around send an invite and I'll help ya. ger-box