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Edited by ODSTJacob: 2/12/2014 11:50:40 PM

Bungie Community Science Fiction Reading List

I want you to help make this a comprehensive list of science fiction novels. I hope that this will serve as a starting point for those who are just entering the genre or as a boost for those who are interested in expanding their Sci-fi library. [quote][b]Note:[/b] Check out all of the replies to the OP. [/quote] What is your favorite Science Fiction novel? [quote][quote]the Bungie Community Science Fiction Reading List:[/quote] Douglas Adams [quote][url=]Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy[/url] [url=]The Restaurant at the End of the Universe[/url] [url=]Life, the Universe, and Everything[/url] [url=]So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish[/url] [url=]Mostly Harmless[/url] [/quote] Isaac Asimov [quote][url=]The Last Question[/url][/quote] Barrington J. Bayley [quote][url=]The Fall of Chronopolis[/url] [url=]Collision with Chronos[/url][/quote] Ray Bradbury [quote][url=]Fahrenheit 451[/url] [/quote] Orson Scott Card [quote][url=]Enders Game[/url] [url=]Speaker for the Dead[/url] [url=]Xenocide[/url] [url=]Children of the Mind[/url][/quote] Arthur C. Clarke [quote][url=]Childhoods End[/url] [url=]2001 A Space Odyssey[/url] [url=]Fountians of Paradise[/url] [url=]Rendezvous with Rama[/url][/quote] Eoin Colfer [quote][url=]And Another Thing...[/url][/quote] Phillip K. Dick [quote][url=]Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?[/url] [url=]A Scanner Darkly[/url] [url=]Man in the High Castle[/url][/quote] Frank Herbert [quote][url=]Dune[/url] [url=]Dune Messiah[/url] [url=]Children of Dune[/url] [/quote] David Mitchell [quote][url=]Cloud Atlas[/url] [/quote] Michael Moorcock [quote][url=]A Nomad of the Time Streams[/url] [url=]Behold the Man[/url][/quote] Beth Revis [quote][url=]Across the Universe[/url][/quote] Larry Niven [quote][url=]RingWorld[/url][/quote] Jack Vance [quote][url=]Tales of the Dying Earth[/url] The Demon Princes [url=]Volume One[/url]/[url=]Volume Two[/url][/quote] Timothy Zahn [quote][url=]Heir to the Empire[/url][/quote][/quote]

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  • Some of my favourites (not already on the list): Foundation series by Isaac Asimov I, Robot (and sequels) by Isaac Asimov Amped by David H. Wilson The Forever War by Joe Haldeman Ender's Shadow (and sequels) by Orson Scott Card

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  • [url=]Robopocalypse by Daniel H Wilson[/url] is great

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    • Edited by kgj: 4/12/2013 1:01:56 AM
      Robert J. Sawyer [quote] [url=]Quintaglio[/url] [url=]Ascension[/url] [url=]Trilogy[/url] [url=]WWW Trilogy[/url] [url=]Calculating God[/url] [url=]Neanderthal Parallax[/url] [/quote] Michael Crichton [quote] [url=]Jurassic Park[/url] [url=]The Andromeda Strain[/url] [url=]Terminal Man[/url] [url=]Prey[/url] [url=]State of Fear[/url] [/quote]

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      • Edited by SuperAce 5: 2/9/2013 12:05:06 AM
        Most of the memorable Science Fiction I've read have been mentioned already. Frank Herbert's Dune and William Gibson's Sprawl Series are great reads that I'd also recommend. But I highly recommend [url=]Contact[/url] by Carl Sagan. The book is quite enjoyable and I feel the film does not give the book justice. Its a great First Contact Science Fiction and builds on Sagan's more optimistic view and fascination with alien contact. I realize though there is a lot more of it I need to jump into. I'm juggling three series at the moment and one of them is the [url=]Gap Cycle[/url] by Steven R. Donaldson, a cousin of mine has lent me the entire series. As I'm currently on the third book it seems to be a decent Science Fiction many here would seem to enjoy. The Gap Cycle is a Science Fiction adaptation of the Fantasy Opera Epic written by Richard Wagner called [url=]Der Ring des Nibelungen[/url]. You'll enjoy it if you like corrupt monolithic Cyberpunk size corporations, an Earth Military Police Government worried about their relevance in governing human deep space, and uneasy human relations with a truly Alien Race that only trades and reveals their motives through the human deep space Black Market filled with those that would sell out their own species to make a decent living. The first book just sets the stage and can be skipped, but I advise skimming it over though to grasp some things that go on in the book's universe, like gap-sickness for instance. But here are the books: [url=]The Real Story: The Gap into Conflict[/url] [url=]Forbidden Knowledge: The Gap into Vision[/url] [url=]A Dark and Hungry God Arises : The Gap into Power[/url] [url=]Chaos and Order: The Gap Into Madness[/url] [url=]This Day All Gods Die: The Gap Into Ruin[/url] There is another Science Fiction series I currently have my eyes set on once I finish all the books I'm currently reading. I've been intrigued by Gene Wolfe's Solar Cycle because based on what little I've gathered about the books it takes place in a universe with elements similar to Bungie's next IP. I know the series was inspired by Jack Vance's Dying Earth Series which have already been mentioned in this thread. Has anyone read any of the Solar Cycle? There's quite a few books that take place in the universe: [url=]Shadow & Claw: The First Half of 'The Book of the New Sun'[/url] [url=]Sword & Citadel: The Second Half of 'The Book of the New Sun' [/url] [url=]The Urth of the New Sun: The sequel to 'The Book of the New Sun'[/url] The following books are separate stories that take place after The New Sun Series: [url=]Litany of the Long Sun: Nightside the Long Sun and Lake of the Long Sun (Book of the Long Sun, Books 1 and 2)[/url] [url=]Epiphany of the Long Sun: Calde of the Long Sun and Exodus from the Long Sun (Book of the Long Sun, Books 3 and 4)[/url] [url=]On Blue's Waters: Volume One of 'The Book of the Short Sun'[/url] [url=]In Green's Jungles (Book of the Short Sun, Book 2)[/url] [url=]Return to the Whorl: The Final Volume of 'The Book of the Short Sun'[/url]

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        • I'd like to add [url=]The Knights of the Limits[/url] by Barrington J. Bayley to the list. A truly magnificent collection of short stories.

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        • Edited by stosh: 2/3/2013 9:23:25 PM
          Books recommended by jones in his interview: [url][/url] [quote]The new generation of science fiction from Banks ([u]Feersum Endjinn[/u]), Vinge ([u]Deepness in the Sky[/u]), Hamilton ([u]Reality Dysfunction[/u]), Reynolds [u](Revelation Space[/u]), and that lot is well read here, but one of the best bits of space opera of all time is [u]Starhammer[/u], by Christopher Rowley. Good luck finding a copy these days, though.[/quote]

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          • Edited by Crackerjack: 2/4/2013 6:08:27 AM
            Probably two of my favorite works of science fiction are Roadside Picnic by the Strutgatsky brothers and sprawl series by William Gibson. The Sprawl Series, especially the first book [url=][i] Neuromancer, [/i][/url] are basically the defining examples of cyberpunk fiction. It's hard to describe what the story is, because the first novel feels more like a collection of stories connected by the protagonist and the subsequent novels, [url=][i]Count Zero[/i][/url] and [url=][i]Mona Lisa Overdrive[/i][/url] are explicitly made up of three intersecting stories. It's a bit pulpy in places, but it tends to have more of a noir feel than a lot of more modern action heavy cyberpunk works. [url=][i]Roadside Picnic[/i][/url] is a Russian novel that largely details the actions of humanity after an alien race visits and leaves without ever contacting humanity, the only traces left behind being six zones full of anomalies and valuable "swag". If it sounds familiar, that's because the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series took a huge cue from the book. The anime Darker than Black also has a few common elements. For the most part though, where most of it's media spawn use it as a catalyst for all sorts of action, Roadside picnic is a genuinely interesting look at the human condition and what motivates people. It's a short novel, only spanning about a 180 or so pages, but pretty much every bit of it is gripping and it does plenty to warrant several subsequent readings.

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            • [b]The Mote in God's Eye[/b] by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle [b]Forge of God[/b] by Greg Bear [b]The Algebraist[/b] by Iain M. Banks

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            • [url=]The Last Question by Isaac Asimov[/url] This is one of the best short stories I've ever read. It's very thought-provoking, and the ending is just mind-blowing. Take the time to read it, I promise you won't be disappointed.

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              • Nemesis by Isaac Asimov is a great read. And The Complete Robot, also by Asimov.

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              • Edited by VIC: 2/2/2013 9:13:36 PM
                Have you thought about starting a book club, giving start and end dates on when to read books and then make a thread to discuss them? Just a thought; you guys may already be doing this, anyway. It'd be a great way to stir up some community interaction. [spoiler]Using spoiler tags to discuss things while the reading is in progress would be nifty, too![/spoiler]

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                • Ringworld is the best! XD

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                • Edited by Gr33n: 2/2/2013 2:04:27 AM
                  [url=]Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy[/url] by Douglas Adams [url=]The Restaurant at the End of the Universe[/url] by Douglas Adams [url=]Life, the Universe, and Everything[/url] by Douglas Adams [url=]So Long, and Thanks for all the Fish[/url] by Douglas Adams [url=]Mostly Harmless[/url] by Douglas Adams [url=]And Another Thing...[/url] by Eoin Colfer [url=]Halo: The Fall of Reach[/url] by Eric Nylund [url=]Halo: The Flood[/url] by William C Dietz [url=]Halo: First Strike[/url] by Eric Nylund [url=]Halo: Contact Harvest[/url] by Joseph Staten [url=]Halo: The Cole Protocol[/url] by Tobias S Buckell [url=]Halo: Ghosts of Onyx[/url] by Eric Nylund [url=]Boxed set of those three[/url] [url=]Halo: Cryptum[/url] by Greg Bear [url=]Halo: Primordium[/url] by Greg Bear [url=]Halo: Glasslands[/url] by Karen Traviss [url=]Halo: The Thursday War[/url] by Karen Traviss [url=]RingWorld[/url] by Larry Niven [url=]Dune[/url] by Frank Herbert [url=]Cloud Atlas[/url] by David Mitchell [url=]Fahrenheit 451[/url] by Ray Bradbury

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                  • lookin' good

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                  • [url][/url] Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton Really, anything by Michael Crichton should be on any sci fi reader's list. Unlike most sci fi which deals with distant futures with space travel, his books deal with issues that are in our world today. 30 years ago when he wrote Jurassic Park, cloning was being discussed as whether it was possible. Now in today's world, cloning extinct animals is becoming closer and closer (like the Mammoth has been mentioned) along with the morals of said cloned animals (like with cloned meat and stuff). All of his books are very relevant in today's world with their messages and themes, and their stories/characters are pretty awesome too

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                    • OP updated. I added what I could with the characters I had left.

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                    • Why is Fahrenheit 451 not on that list?

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                      • [url=]A Deepness in the Sky[/url] by Vernor Vinge There's so many, I can't remember half of the great science fiction books I've read, so I'm just throwing that one out. John Scalzi is good, as is... what's his face... Jack McDevitt. There's a lot of great scifi from the 90s too, it all seems to have a certain je ne sais quoi to it.

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                      • The White Mountains - John Christopher

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                      • The Gods Themselves by Isaac Asimov. An interesting look at other universes, and the set of laws they have that are different from our own. A good read, the more I read into it, the more eager I was to get to the ending to see what happened.

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                      • Starship Troopers, by Robert A. Heinlein

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                      • Even if you are not a fan of WH40k, the Inquisitor books by Dan Abnett are amazing. There are going to be 9 book seperated in to 3 trilogies, with 7 released. [url=]Eisenhorn Trilogy[/url] [url=]Ravenor Trilogy[/url] [url=]Pariah, the first book of the Bequin Trilogy[/url]

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                          Cool, this was a good idea and I'm going to check some of these at. Thanks Hermit! I will also be sure to post any of my favorite works.

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                        • [url=]Infinite Jest[/url] by David Foster Wallace

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                        • Edited by ODSTJacob: 2/2/2013 7:37:05 AM
                          Thanks for the submissions. The OP will be updated as soon as possible.

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                        • The Foundation Series by Issac Asimov is essentially that - the foundation of practically every aspect of science fiction from then onward. A seminal novel in the golden age of science fiction if there ever was any.

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