[quote]I need friends to play the daily and more...[/quote] Add me any time
Hunter lvl 32 and Titan lvl 31 and psn name MillsyZone 😃
Hunter lvl 22 - psn: Xioungshou, feel free to add for whatever :)
FizzyGarlic - Warlock 21, focusing on PvE stuff and looking for a casual adventure buddy :D
Psn: ASAP225
Psn: Infant_Crusher add me
PS4 PSN: SoulSAO_Hunter
Add me lvl 30 Titan
Send me a request and I will come with
Add me monkey_man008
Edited by KingJayTheLegend: 6/13/2015 11:27:01 AMAdd me guys really need to do the raids but have no one to run with and learn it...PSN- jay29477 lvl 32 warlock and titan
Feel free to add me yep_its_cj
EVERYONE ADD ME - supersaiyen63
Need friends psn i_LuvHoodRats
Hey guys, only a 29 hunter but that's because I haven't had any friends to do the raids with. Feel free to add me "JDaws88"
Please add me on psn - Medik8ed
Add me
Hey add me xxDeadshot09xx
Add me. I've got lvl 26 warlock. Ready to run it all
Hay guys add me gingernija999 not gunna lie I haven't done crota but good with relic in vog got hunter titan and warlock lowest lvl 29 and got ghorn :D
Add me too. No friends that play either. Psn iron-pilgrim
Friend me I haven't gotten to do most raids because none of my friends have ps4 so add me if u wanna raid reds19rock
In need of friends to do raids. Level 30 hunter