originally posted in:Destiny PS4 Community
Hey im new with this app, im a lvl 19 titan and would like some friends :'D
My psn name is: terminaterg24 anyone feel free to add me, level 25 hunter, level 3 warlock.
Lvl28 Hunter Pan: Vi_Kaden
I'm new as well, need friends for strikes and raids. Level 28 warlock, dug1207
New to the group. PSN Splinter_23. Only been through vog 3 times normal so still need experience. Level 29+ warlock.
Any one add me 26 hunter gt same as username
Add me don_a_G1017
Could use some help as well leveling up stuck on 24 right now. Double_O_Stud
I would like new friends too. I'm on level 21 on my warlock. JTISCRAZY228
I'm new to this group too and I could use some pals. I have a Warlock level 24, a hunter level 27 and a Titan level 20
29 Titan psn shug5982 I have a mic
Add me Level 27 Titan, Level 17 Hunter and Level 11 Warlock
Add umejacob Lvl 29 warlock Lvl26 hunter Lvl 27 titan
psn: zba998 lvl 29 hunter lvl 27 warlock
Hey I'm new to the group. Add me to play PSN: migrarunner1. I got a lvl 24 warlock, lvl 18 titan, and lvl 14 hunter
PSN: NotSoSlimShadyMN
PSN: devonesmee
Add MysticAngel09 lvl 26 warlock, lvl 28 hunter it lvl 8 Titan
Add me! My PSN is MianCatt c: