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originally posted in:Cloud Cafe
Edited by FlamingXZombie12: 3/21/2017 2:01:08 PM

Should Destiny 2 implement matchmaking for Raids?

Add matchmaking


No Matchmaking


Alternative (comment below)


Im sure this post may have been done before, but I am just interested to see peoples views on this and possible ideas on future raids or alternatives. I understand there are a lot of people who would like to see matchmaking implemented within raids and as a solo player for the most part I find myself stuck for an answer. I have never done a raid myself as I have never come around to finding a fire team or joining purely because I'm not sure what to expect. For the rewards you earn I find that gaining specific gear etc from a raid would be very rewarding which concludes keeping them exclusive and that adding them to other playlists would make it less worthwhile for the gear. As for playing the raid it is best for communication between players due to the different challenging aspects of the game. If they were to include matchmaking it would be a little more chaotic without the communication and it would essentially prove unreasonable to add matchmaking. So I suppose for the time being the raids are out of reach, but with Age of Triumph perhaps I'll come around to playing them. [b]EDIT:[/b] Just to add from what I've seen so far, I reckon the best alternative is to have matchmaking, but it is mandatory to have game chat (to keep communication and playability) and that you are paired with guardians with similar stats or a light level requirement, this would - 1. solve the issue of any player from hopping in and out without mic or simply not participating in said activity properly 2. keep things flowing more easily without having to wait around in the forums etc for recruitment and this way we would have a more balanced matchmaking, still keeping the recruitment option for those who prefer that method. In conclusion matchmaking with more defined hosting for effective playability of the raids.

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  • If they don't have matchmaking for nightfall and raids I'm not buying this time around, absolutly can not be bothered using lfg sites anymore and most people that I would raid with have left, my actual friends do not even play the game. Don't repeat your mistakes Bungie you even admit that a lot of people never got to touch the raid, why not let them try and please don't patronize us with that "bad experience" garbage. RAID and NIGHTFALL should have OPTIONAL matchmaking! And to all the morons crying that they will be stuck with n00bs.......what's the problem if it's optional? or do you not understand the word OPTIONAL?

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  • How is the community still so divided on the topic? If it were optional it wouldn't affect anyone that doesn't use it.

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  • In game LFG. Auto matchmaking would be an absolute nightmare.

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    1 Reply
    • In game lfg.

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    • My God it would be horrendous - the noobs you could be matched with. Spend 3 hours trying to do vosik challenge, no thanks. Nobody would listen to instructions as there is no fear of being booted. Just join a clan and learn from them.

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      4 Replies
      • Yes, optional matchmaking should be a thing

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      • Based specifically and entirely on the crap that happens when strike with randos, No. Nooooooooooooooooo.

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        5 Replies
        • Matchmaking for specific bosses at a time, like strikes, do a boss, move on to another random boss

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        • The only people who want raid matchmaking, are people who do not raid.....

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          4 Replies
          • Sure, it would be a disaster, but as long as it's optional, I don't mind. Don't forget the consequences though, for those who opt in: -You'll get trolls that join because they enjoy griefing others whom you can't kick. -You'll get people who don't have a mic, refuse to communicate, or are rude/toxic in chat whom you can't kick. -You'll get get underleveled, or just really bad people whom you can't kick. -People wouldn't be as hesitant to quit in the middle since it's matchmade, replacing them would also be a problem unless people don't mind getting dropped willy nilly in the middle of siege engine or something. -Raids last longer than strikes, so people won't be queuing up as often. Not to mention splitting matchmaking by checkpoint would thin out the player pool even more. A lot more, plus don't forget that newer raids now are much more punishing of mistakes. Sometimes a single death or error from a certain role means a wipe. Also, if there is a vote-kick system, it would be abused.

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            4 Replies
            • The fact of the matter is, without matchmaking, you remove autonomy from the players. Any argument about the quality of the run, is nullified compared to those who never even try. The player should always have the choice.

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            • Forever one of the most 50/50, two sided debates in destiny looolll

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              1 Reply
              • We do not need raid matchmaking. We need an in game lfg/chat system. We still need to be in total control of the type of guardians we want to play with whether that's based on experience, character/class, etc but it absolutely does need to be in game.

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                • Edited by BOSS_TPH76: 3/22/2017 1:57:43 PM
                  There should always be an option to either matchmake or not. There is absolutely no reason what so ever to not implement a matchmake option....just as long as it isn't forced. In fact most games have that feature and in most games you can select to queue up or just dive in solo or whatever group composition you have. This means that for raids there should be a queue as an alternative to the current "come as you are". And in strikes you should have the alternative to not force well as a choice to open your game to add people from queue halfway through. On top of this....there should be an in game LFG. Nobody here who voted "no" can have (and after reading the thread: has) any legitimate argument to limit the addition of options and limit the choices available for players how to play the game. If somebody is willing to put up with all the hassle of a PUG then they should have that option. If you do not want that...then you should have that option as well. This is not a zero sum question.

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                  2 Replies
                  • Edited by JHarv: 3/21/2017 8:01:51 PM
                    Destiny PvE is so easy that yes. Yes it should. Raids in this game aren't any more challenging than nightfalls. And if you really can't get it done, then go and find a group. Nobody is forcing you to play matchmaking. But it should be an option. I have such an easy time with raids. I don't even need to communicate in them. I can see players around me, I know what needs to be done. Aksis slams are zero issue for me. Etc. I'd love to just queue with other people like myself who are just awesome at this game and can faceroll content with ease.

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                    7 Replies
                    • no.......just no

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                    • You don't want this as much as you think you do

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                    • Agreeing with the masses I'd say you would end up leaving with matchmade groups. Look at strikes, it's a gamble if you get a full team not afk.

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                    • [quote]I have never done a raid myself as I have never come around to finding a fire team or joining purely because I'm not sure what to expect. So I suppose for the time being the raids are out of reach, but with Age of Triumph perhaps I'll come around to playing them.[/quote] If you're looking for an active clan with 500+ members, several raid sherpas (including myself), look up Olympus Gaming on We host raid nights on Thursdays (including teaching them and grabbing monitors), run tournaments, and even got featured by Bungie. Look us up and join our Discord server.

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                    • So how would this work with Checkpoints? What if there's more than 1 raid (never know, it could happen)? Will the playerbase be split up too much given multiple checkpoints plus strikes, crucible (5-10 playlists and approx 30-40% of currently online players), patrol, story missions, and quests? What happens when it can't find a full group? These things need to be taken into account when you need 6 people for an activity.

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                      3 Replies
                      • I've said this before, but it's worth repeating. Go into a game of 3v3 in PvP. Better yet go into Elimination. Lose your first game and watch how you will drop down to 2 players on your team. Secondly, check this forum and look at any thread that complains about people not using arc burn weapons in an arc burn strike. Couple that with the people who can't even commit to finish a strike. Here's the point. Trials teams rarely have players that quit so easily as they do in matchmaking 3v3. People who complain about other players weapons are passionate that they are right and everyone is wrong for not playing the way [i]they[/i] want them to. How will that work in a raid?? They should have an LFG type set up booth at the tower, but matchmaking for raids will never work.

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                        4 Replies
                        • Yes, but it should be unlocked after a certain amount of completions 3-5

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                          • Matchmaking just wouldn't work without in game requirements. Communication is a must so having a mic connected should be required. Also maybe unlocking it after a raid completion

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                            1 Reply
                            • I think it's a good idea. This way, unfamiliar people will be like "yes! I get to try a raid now!" and try to do it through matchmaking. Then they will say "huh, this is actually really difficult. Maybe I just need to git gud and play the game a little more instead of complaining that the game is generic and that I don't have access to these activities." - every person that played in Y1 and didn't want to use outside resources to try a raid.

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                            • No. Keep matchmaking out of raids. Raids are not strikes, they require communication and teamwork. I can't imagine doing raids with AFK or No Mic Trolls just refusing to do anything to actually complete them. Not to mention the amount of Newbs that have no idea how to do them is staggering.

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                              2 Replies
                              • Edited by ojisan_neo: 3/21/2017 10:39:31 PM
                                You can't. To much coordination involved. It sounds cool if you already know the raids. But, someone will still need to be on the mic at some point to delegate. How about making the social space a little more useful in regards to organizing raids and trials? I'm still surprised as a community we haven't designated an area ourselves for organizing a raid. They could have added a raid specific zone to find groups. We've done everything else outside of game.

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