This was a great raid! And we completely cleared it no matter that for many if us it was the first time in the VoG. Who would have known that the hardest part was the jumping from platform to platform... This is a great clan and everyone I have met and played with has been great. Thanks gentlemen!
9 am CST on Friday works for me.
Spectral_Grandpa is in.
AKAxTHExTRUTH says he might be able to do afternoon also. If so, we might be able to switch out 2 Guardians and run the VoG once before noon CST and once after a lunch break. We'll play it by ear. :)
PS4 PSN - reddeadbill I'll be free after noon, and would be down to join any raids. Just another name to the roster :) Red
Hey guys could I join your raid I'll be free the entire day and would really like to play will be free rest of the weekend to?
Okay guys, it looks like we might be able to scrape a team together. I'm thinking we can start 9AM CST. If that's too early, we can push the start time back. Like i said, I'll be on all day so just hit me up when you get on. If 9AM CST is too early for you, comment here or message me. Thanks!
I am off that day as far as I know.
I am free for the entire raid time. PSN - vigo810
I'm up for it. On call till that morning so let me know if you got an opening.
Kaelnayyan says he can raid on the 17th. That makes four of us. Spread the word to pick up two more, guys.
Flyboy, I will be off this day as well. Put me on the roster please.