http://m.youtube.com/channel/UC2Ijz5szsDCt-vFjiOG03pw/about http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/Detail/191836 Join VNCryptozoologists, we're a tight knit PS3/PS4 clan. Check out our group page for more info about us, we hope to see you guardian.
PS4 PSN : Twistdworldofoz lvl 15 hunter
Hard Mode is seeking Guardians who are looking to do the hardest content out there. What's the advantage? You can take that awesome, rare gear into a PvP mode called "The Iron Banner" where GEAR MATTERS! Hard Mode is a primarily PS4 based community and are accepting everyone at the moment. A more selective recruitment process will happen when content becomes harder to beat. Interested? Then jump on over to the clan page and join! http://www.bungie.net/en/Clan/128536 P.S. When you join the group, remember to change it to your active clan to be considered a clan member and have your clan tag show up in game!
PS4 PSN: Shadomasta Lv 16 Titan I'll be on for a while tonight, schedule changed from mornings to evenings, so that puts my sleep schedule that much farther away.
You're in the right spot, Torenzi. I've hooked up with about 6 or 7 random dads from the ArchAngels, and they have been some of the best people I've ever gamed with, friends included. Glad to have you.
MinedData526 Ps4 level 10 hunter