DadsofDestiny ArchAngels
"We are the ones who knock"
originally posted in:DadsofDestiny ArchAngels
Hi everyone just wanted to say what's up to all the dads out there, I'm a father of two daughters 7 and 20. This sounds like a great place to hang with and hoping to add some folks to my friends list for Destiny. I played a lot in the past when Destiny first came out, just recently got back in with the Taken King and loving it. Main is a lvl 40 Warlock at around 290 light. Always down for anything including helping others, and I'd love to get in on raids and trials of osiris as I never had steady groups to run them with. Hoping to be accepted to join the clan and looking forward to playing with you guys! Feel free to add me as a friend anytime, PS4 tag is Chuckon55thst. Later guys!