originally posted in: Guardians of the Galaxy
Alright everybody I set up a PlayStation clan for all of you PlayStation lovers. If I need to do anything else go ahead and tell me.
Is ps3 clan seperate to ps4 clan? Or 100 members across the two platforms? Ive not come across another ps3 clan member.
++[b][u]REQUEST SENT[/u][/b]++ [b]PSN[/b]: Grimey_Reaper [b]LVL[/b]: 24 (Warlock) [b]FAVOURITE ACTIVITIES[/b] (in Order): Bounties Crucible (I usually own at this & would love great players in team too) Weekly Events (What ever they are) Strikes Patrol (Farming for SUBCLASS XP & Materials) Missions
is there somewhere I can see a list of fellow ps3 clan members (not group)
Request sent
Request sent.
Sent request as well
Thanks man. Sent the request but it needs your approval
Thank you!