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Time Killers


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    [u][b]Mission[/b][/u] Time killers are ambitious but put fun first. We are aiming to bring players together on a little more than a random basis to build better teamwork and effective squads. We don’t expect amazing players but do appreciate a bada** here and there. All we do require is that members treat one another with respect. [u][b]Time Killers Creed[/b][/u] "We are the Time Killers. We are the brave, the fearless, the bold. We jump into the mouth of hell to kick down the Devil's door, we scale the heights of Olympus to throw the gods from their thrones. With steel and fury we deliver our wrath upon our enemies until there is naught but ash and fire. We are a brotherhood, with bonds forged in the crucible of combat. We will never let the Darkness take us, or our brothers, before it has learned to fear the Light. GUNS UP!"

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originally posted in:Time Killers
9/28/2014 7:11:16 AM

[Important] Trial Raid Teams (PS4 raiders)

With Destiny entering it's 4th week, many players are anxious to finally enter the Vault of Glass, a challenging yet rewarding raid against the Vex featuring advanced game mechanics and 6-man fire teams. So far we have had two PS4 raid teams successfully clear the regular version, with many more advancing to the required level 26 benchmark required for entry. During these runs we have noticed that this challenge will require more than adequate gear and a desire to shoot everything in sight, in addition it will require teamwork, communication, dedication, persistence, endurance, patience, respect, a small amount of professionalism, and a LOT of ammo synthesis. However if you can conquer the vault you will find the only armor pieces that will allow you to achieve to prestigious level 30 mark, as well as joining the <1% of PSN users who have successfully defeated the Guardians of the Vault. Many Time Killers have expressed an interest in taking on this challenge, and to aid in helping you conquer this little slice of hell, your friendly neighborhood admins will be holding trail raids to form groups of players with similar skill, dedication, play-style, and availability. This thread has been created to help us determine who is ready to face the unique challenges presented in this raid, and are serious about getting onto a dedicated raid team to face the Darkness together. All hopeful raiders should post here from now on until you are placed onto a raid team, from there individual posts will be created for each raid team. To aid us (and by us, I mean me) in this process, please post the following information and check back regularly for open trial raid times; PSN, Class/Subclass, Level, Location/timezone, when you are available to play, and if you have a mic (this will not disqualify you for participation but will be used to help consider your placement as we will try to limit the number of mic-less players in each team). To further ease in our (my) efforts, please use the following template: PSN: Rignasty15x Class/Subclass: Hunter/Gunslinger Level: 29 Location/timezone: USA, MST (GMT-7) Playtimes: 3pm-3am Daily (I go hard, suckas) Mic: Yes Please remember that these are trials and are not going to be aimed at a full run (as a full clear can last anywhere from 2-10 hours or more), and that participation in these trials does not guarantee a spot on a raid team. Open trial raids will be held regularly, the first trial raid will be held on Monday, September 29th at 7 PM MST (6 PM PST, 9 ET). Specific trial raids will be held when enough members of similar availability express an interest. Good luck, and GUNS UP! [quote]"To face the Darkness, we need only courage. To defeat it, our Light will need to be stronger than the forces that assail us."-Rignasty[/quote]

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  • PSN: Jamofo22 Class/Subclass: Warlock/sunslinger Level: 26 Location/timezone: USA, EST -5hrs Playtimes: Sat- Sun time varies but always available Daily after 8pm Mic: Yes

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  • PSN: TMI-4-LIFE Warlock lvl 27 Pretty decent. Love the game. Really need to join a VoG raid team. Dying to play. Please add me

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  • psn: rushboy11 titan level 24 skilled player with good team work experience always on so just holla up for some crazy thing

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  • PS4 PSN: VINDONNUS CLASS: Titan defender main Level: 26 (almost 27) Playtime Tus, thur,sat,sun Timezone: Tokyo +9 hours

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  • PS3 PSN : Dutch_UNiiTED Class : Titan Striker Main Level : 27 (almost 28) Playtime 3PM till 12PM Timezone UTC/GMT +2 hours

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  • PSN: RJ6277 Class/Subclass: Warlock/VOID Level: 26 Location/timezone: US/CENTRAL Playtimes: Daily 10am-3pm 7pm-whenever Mic: Yes

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  • Shodhex Wz 28 ESP

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  • PSN: Tracon_T Class/Subclass: Warlock/both maxed out Level: 27 Location/timezone: UK GMT Playtimes: Daily 9pm-1am Mic: Yes

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  • Next Open Trial Raid will be on Saturday, October 4th, 2014 at 1 PM MST. If you haven't raided with the clan or haven't been assigned to a raid team this is a good opportunity to explore the benefits of clan membership. Hope to see you all there!

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  • Edited by REDRICOSUAVE: 9/30/2014 4:23:56 PM
    psn REDRICOSUAVE LEVEL 27 2 LIGHT FROM 28, Warlock both subclasses maxed out TIME ZONE CENTRAL (IN TEXAS) PLAYTIMES all weekends (usually) and all week after 6pm have a mic

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  • PSN: anids6000 Lvl. 27 Hunter w/ both subclasses maxed out. Time Zone: UK playtimes:tuesday/wednesday anytime really rest of week 7am-1pm roughtly depending on how dead i am after work mic:yep

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  • Edited by Cupofjoe904: 9/30/2014 5:53:43 AM
    PSN: Joeismusic_07 Lvl. 27 Hunter w/ both subclasses maxed out. Time Zone: US Central Days may vary with the holidays coming up but hours should be about 5pm my time till I think I need sleep or whenever I can't handle Thumper being a weirdo anymore. ;-p I would really like to attempt a full run this week seeing as how I was a sub-in last week. Definitely have a Mic.

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  • PSN: coldkiller416 lvl 27 hunter/ gunslinger/ have both sub classes maxed out eastern time zone im on everyday though out the day and off at 10pm mic: yes

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  • PSN nine-bone Lvl 28 slinger/dancer eastern TZ yes on the mic Mondays and Thursdays are great days for me. I will hopefully try and get together another raid on Thursday with some other clan members as well. Would be nice to get some experience in there other than youtube vids lol!

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  • Edited by Thumper99: 9/29/2014 8:23:48 PM
    PSN thumper99 Level 28 Titan (almost have both classes complete) Timezone: MST Weekend Raids (I'm possibly available after 1800 MST mon-fri) Mic: Yeps!

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  • Psn JAWS_2324 Level 26 Hunter Gunslinger but will likely be 27/28 within a matter of days. Timezone: EST (GMT - 4:00) I am available for raids all days at most times, except for Tuesday and Thursdays. Mic: Yes I have already completed vault of glass with MikeCrompz, Thumper99, and other timekillers!

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  • Edited by zero21dev: 10/6/2014 8:49:26 PM
    PSN: zero21dev Class/Subclass: Hunter/Gunslinger Level: 27 Location/timezone: New Zealand GMT+13 Playtimes: Monday, Wednesday - Friday 5pm-midnight; Saturday and Sunday 10am - 5/6pm Mic: Yes

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  • Edited by MikeCrompz: 9/28/2014 2:51:41 PM
    Psn MikeCrompz Level 28 warlock both subclasses Gonna try getting through the vault today or Monday if enough people with mic are up for it nearly did it last night but had to come off Apologies: GMT playtime 6pm-2am Mic: yes

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    4 Replies
    • Edited by Blowerz: 9/28/2014 2:02:03 PM
      Ps4 id: blowerz Class hunter gunslinger Level 27 still levelling up armour though. UK gmt Usually 7pm onwards mic yes

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