originally posted in:Secular Sevens
I am talking about Christianity. Over the history of the religion the views have changed pretty radically since the beginning. Now many Christians are less socially conservative. Many are more supportive of gay marriage and other social issues that were unheard of in past. The religious people say they have justifications for these positions but isn't it does just religion conforming to a more liberal society? The knowledge or the bible wasn't very difference in the past where these things were strongly condemned so it makes me believe that religion is just being forced to conform to society to stay alive. This should make people question whether their religious beliefs are valid or just determine by the zeitgeist.
Or society is falling out and sinning more and we stop following the core tenets of religion.
I have no idea which way to argue with this, but even though the Catholic Church is all uppity about contraceptives, apparently something like 90%+ of Catholics use them. It's kinda hilarious.
(1) Politics really is downstream from culture. (2) Similarity in function does not imply sameness in nature. Two things may fulfill the same purpose, but they may still be different. To show that other religions are different from Christianity, you don’t have to show that other religions are false. The exclusive truth of Christianity is another important issue, but a different one. Somebody is right, everybody else is wrong; or everyone is wrong. You can't say everybody is right. That would be intellectually dishonest. Christians cannot just ignore entertainment because it is shaping the culture around us. And to ignore it is to ignore the forces that are driving the reality in which we live. Entertainment often turns a culture from participants in the culture to spectators of the culture. We think that being informed about something is the same thing as acting upon it – that clicking thumbs down disliking something on the news is standing against unrighteousness. In a culture that worships celebrity instead of heroes is a culture that will always chose style over substance and to look good rather than be good. (1) Test everything. (2) Establish sacred space. (no entertainment zone) (3) Celebrate art and great artists. Think deeper about the world around us. (4) Read.
What the Bible says does not change. How the people twist its words does.
Definitely. Religion is all about hypocrisy. 1000 years ago most Christians would claim that heaven is in the sky. 500 years ago most Christians would claim that the Sun circled the Earth. 200 years ago most Christians would claim that God created man and all living things. But today (maybe not for the latter) most Christians would disagree because if they kept with their ridiculous beliefs they would be gone by now. Religion would always be a parasite of society that thrives on the unknown. No matter how much science advances, there will still be a small space of uncertainty and the unknown in which religion and the gullible and superstitious dwell.
Yeah, it does. I've definitely learned to conform to a more liberal society. I just feel that God understands that society changes, and I don't think that God is as harsh as people make him out to be. I think, that in order to really become a bad person, you must do something to hurt others willingly. Even if it is in some indirect way. It's not hard to be a good person in my opinion; sure it's not always easy to do the RIGHT THING in some situations, but it's not hard to be a good person.
to a point yes.
If they don't adapt, they'll be forgotten.
If it hadn't, then it wouldn't be here today.