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originally posted in:Secular Sevens
8/6/2013 4:17:36 AM

Hey do mathematical / logical truths rely on the physical universe or what.

Because if they don't I think that lends credence to the claim that the universe is contingent, and while that doesn't directly imply a deity (let alone the Judeo-Christian one), it certainly makes explicit atheists look a bit silly.

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  • I'm not sure how any of those things lead to the next thing. Mathematical/logical truths don't rely on the physical universe. Therefor the universe is contingent? Therefor "explicit" atheists look a bit silly? I don't understand.

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    • Edited by Florence: 8/6/2013 4:40:54 AM
      I'm sure there are 1001 different answers to your question, so I'll just give my uninformed opinion. This might depend on what you mean by ''rely on the physical universe.'' If by this you mean, ''Does the truth value of a mathematical statement rely on properties/conditions of the physical world?'' The answer to this would be no, since as I understand, mathematical/logical statements are analytically true, basically meaning that they're just tautologies; so, they're true regardless of any contingent facts (e.g. properties of the physical universe). I'm probably missing something big here, but I don't quite see how this relates to the necessity/contingency of the universe. And also I don't see how this could be a problem for atheism. Anyway, my first answer was probably unsatisfying since I don't quite get what you're asking. Your question could be leading us to the very interesting question of whether mathematical truths are discovered, or invented. And like most questions in philosophy, this question probably doesn't have a simple answer such as ''discovered'' or ''invented.'' They could probably be considered to be either in a sense, but to give a simple answer, I'd say that mathematical/logical truths are 'invented' (perhaps 'formulated' would be a better word) for purposes of modeling human experience. To relate this back to your question, this would mean that these truths rely on the physical world in that they are based on the physical world. For example, calculus would have never been discovered/invented by Newton if it weren't for the physical laws which give rise to mathematical descriptions involving calculus. And even if it were discovered/invented, I doubt it'd be as important as it is today. But keep in mind, to my knowledge, the truth value of mathematical/logical propositions is not contingent on the physical universe. If I got anything wrong I'm sure EW will set my shit straight.

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    • Define explicit atheist. Is it basically a form of rigid empiricism?

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      5 Replies
      • Math is just a creation by humans that is used by us to help better understand the Universe we live in.

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      • Gnostic atheism is stupid if you ask me.

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      • I think mathematics relies on pre-defined rules and nothing else by the way.

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      • Math is a tool made by man to see how big a log is. Math is as much a key to the physical universe as a screwdriver is.

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        9 Replies
        • Edited by Ric_Adbur: 8/7/2013 6:10:22 AM
          I'm not exactly sure how you are tying these concepts to the notions of religions, but I [i]would[/i] like to point out that explicit atheists hardly need any additional help to make themselves look silly.

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          • If there is one thing I have learned about math, it is that it is imperfect.

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            • While there is a raging debate on whether mathematics or sheer logic relies on the universe or is simply a self-contained construct in itself... ...I don't think it has any bearing on religion whatsoever?

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              • What you're touching on here is epistemology. What you're trying to distinguish are two types of knowledge. We classify knowledge into two categories: •a priori •a posteriori [i]A priori[/i] knowledge is independent of experience. E.g. 1 + 1 = 2 or the statement "All bachelors are unmarried." Knowledge classified into this category is always true and does not depend on our experience for us to know. I don't need to go out into the world and find every bachelor to know that every bachelor is unmarried. [i]A posteriori[/i] knowledge is dependent on our experience of it. An example of this would be the statement "Some bachelors are unhappy." We cannot know whether this statement is true or not until we've polled every bachelor. I don't believe that a priori knowledge is dependent on the physical laws of our universe. I do agree, however, that our universe is contingent, but I don't think that a priori knowledge can really help us deduce that. A posteriori knowledge, however, does (e.g. evidence that points to the Big Bang Theory, the most accepted explanation of the beginning of our universe by physicists and other scientists). Thankfully, you're logical enough to see that just because it is most probable that our universe is contingent, it does not necessitate the Christian god is the one who created it, or any other divine deity or even something that was sentient. Also, when it comes to mathematics, I would be skeptical of the posts that say our universe's mathematics or logic would be invalid or could be invalid in another universe, if they do exist. 1 + 1 always will equal 2. To reduce this, I would ask whether the concept of "true/false" could be different. The answer is no. Another example would be existence vs. non-existence. This is a basic element of mathematics. There is no in-between. If someone does argue that 1 + 1 could equal something other than 2 in another universe, then they are changing the definitions of what those things are, and thus would not be talking about the same thing.

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                4 Replies
                • [quote]Hey do mathematical / logical truths rely on the physical universe or what?[/quote] Yes.

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                • shut up

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                • Edited by Ric_Adbur: 8/6/2013 6:22:03 PM
                  It's my understanding that mathematical truths [i]do[/i] in fact rely on the physical laws of the universe, in the sense that science has not excluded the possibility of there being other universes with different physical constants and different mathematical truths from our own. Things in math can only be said to be absolutely true in our universe because of the fundamental underpinnings that comprise it.

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                  6 Replies
                  • Edited by TURRETS: 8/6/2013 5:14:19 AM
                    but what about the cosine of the zamboozle zibity spaghettiboo bop?

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                    1 Reply
                    • Isn't this similar to Plato's problem of universals? In other words, do abstract concepts exist at all?

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