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originally posted in:The New Dojo
Edited by Inflatablepants: 11/5/2016 9:58:32 PM

Landscapes of Tatakai 2

Graveyard Island: A desolate island with a cold climate, Graveyard Island is a place where the dead are buried. None live here, and victims of death are brought to this large island by boat. It's said to be haunted, but nobody has yet to summon up the bravery to test that theory. Celtic Isles: Named after the ancient race of humans in the days of old, on earth. Its suitable since three cultures which refuse to advance in technology, only bloodshed are warring against eachother across the islands. These three kingdoms are only known as the north, east and south. Their isles are named that as well. If one were looking for some more weight to their wallet, the kingdoms have been known to purchase mercenaries from any corner of the world. Gem Islands: A small chain of islands in the eastern part of the Dekishi Ocean, the Gem Islands get their name from the massive cave mining system located on it. There is a bounty of precious gems and jewels here, however the caves can be quite deadly; many collapse on the miners there. Coming here for the plentiful riches may sound good on paper, but it's quite the risk. Winra Islands: South of the Byoki Desert are the Winra Islands, large enough to be a country of its own. Not much wildlife is here, it's mainly long, expansive grasslands with few trees, and some small deserts. Some extremely technologically behind tribes live here and hunt buffalo, and are constantly at war with each other. Ollimand: A large continent, teeming with wildlife, with all kinds of animals. From forests to grasslands, Ollimand is a lush, great place to live. Chances are if one lives in Ollimand, they will never starve, for there is a massive amount of resources here. From the resources as well as the weather, many cities have called this continent their home. Such city's include the advanced yet now abandoned city of Khalosh, Teluria and its now sister city Di-Jin. Since the twilight and the help of the dojo, these cities now enjoy a time of peace. Ollimand Mountains: A small mountain range in Ollimand, the Ollimand Mountains are home to their own diverse community of wildlife. The animals here are vastly different from the ones in the forests and plains of Ollimand, and are generally larger, tougher, and more deadly. If you can survive long enough to establish a settlement on one of these peaks, the view of Ollimand is a sight to behold. Byoki Mountains: Mountains scattered east of the Byoki Desert, they are hot, dry, and life is scarce. The view from the top isn't much, just ocean to the east and desert to the west. Not the best place to live or take a vacation. Refuge Islands: Small, rocky mountains to the west of Kakusa Grove, multiple hundreds of miles away from the shore, the Refuge Islands are home to hundreds of refugee camps, people who had run away from their homes for one reason or the other. Food is hard to come by, yet the refugees there had established a somewhat permanent settlement. Either way, not many visit here for luxury. Nozama Rainforest: The Nozama Rainforest is a large rainforest north of the Dojo Mountains, teeming with rainforest wildlife, accompanied by a hot, humid and wet climate. Most plants and animals are poisonous, and while the scenery here is beautiful, it'd be best to watch your back here. -Nozama Mountains: Mountains located in the southeast of the Nozama Rainforest, they provide a stunning view of both the rainforest, the island to its west, and the Tatakoi Plains. If you strain your eyes, you may catch a glimpse of the distant mountains of the Kakusa Grove. Gelidus Desert: A freezing cold desert, completely uninhabited. Temperatures generally never rise above 40 degrees Fahrenheit, and water is nonexistent. -Gelidus Mountains: An enormous mountain range bordering the Gelidus Desert to the north, they are just as cold as the desert they border, if not colder. However, they could never be as cold is the Ko Rudo Mountains located north of a massive, unnamed tundra. Also, here's the map.

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  • Edited by Kruos the Wicked: 7/31/2018 9:12:06 PM
    [spoiler]Alright. I have no idea where to post this so I'm going to start here. We really need a section for the celestial bodies around Tatakai...[/spoiler] [i]"...and the moon watched over us like a benevolent queen, in which the disorder and calamity of the world was reflected upon us in a timeless silver light. Yet it was not us that it showed. No. It was peace. It was... harmony. And it was beautiful." [/i]- Exert from the [i]Divinum Lumen[/i], Old Holy Text [b][i]Concordia, Tatakai's Moon[/i][/b] The only other known body in the Tatakai system, as well as the planet's largest natural satellite, Concordia functions as a important part of life. With an effect and scale similar to that of Earth's moon [i]Luna[/i], it has a major impact on gravitational stability, ocean tides/movement patterns, and day and night cycles. [b]History[/b] Long ago, when Tatakai was first seeded by the ancient [i]Precursors[/i] and the prime intelligence system known as "LILITH", Concordia was used mainly as a planetary observatory. It contained a complicated device known as the [i]Atlas[/i], which held the blueprints for Precursor structures and complexes throughout the planet and their significances. Later, due to the efforts of the few created [i]Descendant Primes[/i], it was thought to be destroyed. But later, it was found that the Atlas' Key had in fact fallen to the surface, and the device itself was undamaged. Following the recovery of the Key by the early descendants of the Primes (only to then be known as [i]The First People[/i]), the celestial significance of the moon was discovered by a group of scientific scholars and a notable prime religious writer. Based off of data from the Atlas and texts from the [i]Prometheus[/i], the body was soon discovered to be a harmonious center of life. They believed it to be half of creation itself (which is false, as the DNA of the Primes was designed on the Prometheus along with the master seed). Thus, it was dubbed Concordia (meaning "harmony"), a name in contrast to that of Tatakai itself (roughly translating to "war" or "warrior"). After a world-ending event a few years later, most records of the First People and the Atlas were lost. However, much later, they were rediscovered and then filed into the database of the Dojo, and the name was soon reinstated. Concordia would soon be announced as the official title for the moon. [b]Major Geographical Regions[/b] Concordia, like Luna, has varying and complex geography. While the specifics are not listed here, the main geographical regions and types are as follows: [i]Highlands-[/i] The "lighter" part of the moon that covers most of its surface, the anorthositic highlands are the largest geographical regions present on Concordia. They are older than their corresponding [i]maria[/i], and as such are more heavily cratered. [i]Maria-[/i] Literally translating to "sea," the concordian maria are the darker, basaltic regions of the moon. They have been described as plains formally filled with lava, giving them an "ocean basin" like appearance. Much younger than the highlands, but still cover over a third of Concordia's surface. [i]Surface Distortions-[/i] Due to the fact that Concordia has no atmosphere, it has often been impacted by space debris and solar wind. As such, it's surface has been riddled with craters and has been covered in a thin layer of pulverized rock called the Regolith. [i]Additional Landscapes-[/i] With the amount of active lava flow on the moon's surface, several other geographical landscapes have formed. These include rilles (channels), domes (shield volcanoes), ridges, grabens (chasms), and lava tubes/caves. [spoiler]Any specific names for regions on Concordia will be added along with new locations, as I do not have the time and/or energy to name hundreds of different geographical sites. After all, since there is no erosion, there is quite a lot.[/spoiler] [b]Known Locations[/b] Tatakai's moon is home to a variety of locations, new and ancient. Below are a few major locations that have been documented thus far: [u][i]Precursor[/i][/u] [i]The Castellum[/i]- [i]The Observatory[/i]- [i]Chamber of Souls[/i]- [i][u]Frontier Corporation[/u][/i] [i]Andromedas 09[/i]- [i]Sector 27[/i]- [i]AV6-Refueling Depot[/i]- [i][u]Public Domain[/u][/i] [spoiler]If you would like to add anything to this, comment below the information. I guess.[/spoiler] [b][i][u][POST AND ASSOCIATED LORE IRRELEVANT][/u][/i][/b]

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    • Edited by Royal Blade: 1/5/2018 6:07:38 AM
      [i]The Burning Isles[/i] [b]Ignore the names on the map [/b] A string of islands sits east of the dojo woods. These islands are knows at the "Burning Isles," due to the rubies that are mined from its caves and because of the warriors that live there. Lord Armand of the House Leo rules these islands alongside his bannerman, Houses Thaller, Rocke, and Gage. House Thaller rules across the southern end of the Isles, which is largely comprised of Desserts and marshes. As such, their infantry is their strongest aspect. House Rocke rules the Northern Islands, where mountains and hills compromise the land. This makes their defensive thinking and archery skills exceptional. House Gage sits across the Eastern most aspect of the Isles, placing them against the coast in several key locations and giving them the strongest naval fleet. House Leo, the strongest of the houses sits at the Western most Isles where and assortment of plains, deserts, hills and forests create an ever powerful army. Their cavalry are extremely well trained, as well as their infantrymen and archers. They lack in naval ships, but when called upon, House Gage willingly gives its boats to House Leo's cause. Many believe Armand Leo to be the "Burning King," due to the houses red gold and orange colors. The so called Burning King is the ultimate figure head of the Isles, remaining vigilant to what the other islands are doing. The great houses follow the ways of the old Roman gods, or attempt to at least, and share the same colours of Rome. A proud Lion head is the sigil of all four houses, Lord Leo believing to be a sign that they are in this, together.

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      • Edited by Royal Blade: 1/5/2018 6:14:09 AM
        [i]The Six Kingdoms of Dalkey[/i] Sitting just west, across a narrow sea, from the Nozama rain forest is the Island of Dalkey. Split into six Kingdoms for a thousand years, the island is home to some strange creatures and even stranger humans. In the Kingdom of Skarria, the "King" wages a war against Keshkevarian neighbors, working in alliance with Myrcia and Gebroan. Keshkevar sits in the middle of large open plateaus, where Clans Ulfrig, Starrison and Osvaldo call this their home. Caught in the middle of the wrath of three Kingdoms, Keshkevar is starting to crumble under the pressure of fighting a war on two fronts. The King of Skarria, Vadil Ketill, works alongside the King of Myrcia, Amun Thorvis, and the King of Gebroan, Thorald Hakiss. Skarria follows a motto of "Without Fear," and follow a viking culture mixed with that of knights. Living in castles, staying away from the ocean due to the mountains surrounding it, Skarria has waged war against Keshkevar for centuries. Now, they finally seem to be winning. Keshkevar- broken into three separate clans after their own king died- follows no true culture. Their people have no gods they pray to, no true leaders they can depend on. The Clans of Ulfrig, Starrison and Osvaldo fight against one the invading forces, but they do not fight together as they should. They fight as separate entities rather then a single nation, and this is their downfall. They lost much of their land to Myrcia, that was born from the fallen ashes of a once great Keshkevar. Myrcia was taken by Amun Thorvis, and has since followed a rather strange culture. Their garbs are heavy and decorated, constantly dressed in some sort of uniform. They follow a single God- The Phoenix God. As they were born from the ashes of a fallen kingdom, a phoenix rises from the ashes of its old self. They grow stronger through death, and dying is the highest honour that could befall a warrior. This causes little progress to be made in regard to their war with Keshkevar, and they heavily depend on the more disciplined Gebroan to win battles. Gebroan is a country bound in desert, the people following what was a once great Egyptian God by the name of Ray- God of the Sun. They believe in the light, and nothing but the light. The light is their savior, it keeps them warm and insures they never freeze in the cold winters. Their warriors are rugged and discipline, built for conquest and domination over anything. King Thorald Hakiss has become the prophet of God, and told his people to, "Rise above all." Finally, in the north, protected by several mountain ranges lay the Kingdoms of Lucidor and Helveylyn. Or rather, countries. The Kingdoms fell to a foreign invader long ago, and now an old man sits on the throne as King in the North. Aron Fletcher has given the two Kingdoms a new name: Aedwyn. And so, Aedwyn (Taking Lucidor and Helveylyn into itself) sits comfortably past rivers and mountains, making it a difficult kingdom to attack. King Aron rules Aedwyn with an open mind, and the people follow the ways of knights. Noble warriors that fight for goodness and not honour. Well, perhaps some honour. House Fletcher is the most immediate threat to the other Kingdoms, and keeps Myrcia ever vigilant for a possible invasion. The Untamed lands sit in between Aedwyn and the other kingdoms, controlled by bandits and thieves. The Untamed lands are a place without banners, the small country of Riaan being the most notable of this control. Constant small invasions take place within Skarria, and without its full troops, Riaan is managing to quickly gain land in the powerful kingdom. Will the clans Unite for the greater good? Or will chaos grip the land as Skarria falls to a group of bandits? House Fletcher sits in prized position, capable of ending the war in a single motion by invading Myrcia. Will they finally they action in the war, or will they wait to pick at what remains of the Kingdoms? There is only one way to find out the truth, to fight alongside one of these Kingdoms. Or to simply watch the fray from a far. [b][i][u]Gebroan Kingdom[/u][/i][/b] [spoiler][/spoiler] [b][i][u]Myrcia Kingdom [/u][/i][/b] [spoiler][/spoiler] [i][u][b]Aedwyn Kingdom[/b][/u][/i] [spoiler][/spoiler] [b][i][u]Clan Ulfrig[/u][/i][/b] [spoiler][/spoiler]

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        • Edited by Cazberry Pie: 9/25/2016 8:20:17 PM

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