originally posted in:Team Not Casual
Active player looking for mature gamers to explore all destiny has to offer (must have a mic) PSN is EvilSRG
Join the [b]First Crusaders![/b] We have been pushing back the darkness as one since the Alpha. Join us in reclaiming what is rightfully ours! Carry the Light!
Whats up gentlemen. I am going to be spending all of my game time with Destiny when it drops, so feel free to add me if you like. Looking forward to PVE/PVP/Raids. If you're a little kid, i will unfriend you. PS4 PSN: Sovereign-MD Age: 33 PST
FormerKenpachi Have a Mic & a Clan that is looking forward to playing this game. No pressure on the clan join though. I'm really just looking to have some people on the friends list that will be active and cool. Later Gamers.
HAVOK-exo_-_0011 PSN is subject to change. My PS4 is pre-ordered, will have it launch night, but the above PSN is registered online. Mature gamer, 32. Like to think I've got some game, but we'll have to see :) Looking forward to PVE more than anything, but enjoy PVP. If you all are pretty good I look forward to seeing you star side. CST. Ideally will be raiding late afternoon, or early evening, with preference towards weekends. Hunter or Titan, not sure yet. How bout you all? Looking to raid and, when's your preference? Thanks.
PSN: Crazyblades345 Central timezone (Chicago area) Looking forward to PvE aspect, but will always be down for PvP with an organized group. Will most likely main either a hunter or warlock
Edited by sillverblade626: 8/18/2014 3:16:41 PMPSNid Pyro459 Alaska time (1 hour behind pst)
PSN Same name as here. Add me and let's tear up the darkness!
PSN: rekonyz EDT/ Atl, GA my ps4 is pre-ordered, and I'll probably play all classes - but mostly hunter
PSN: SaintDharma 28 from Atlanta (EST)
Edited by EvilSRG: 8/15/2014 5:21:58 PMIf I don't add you right away then send a friend request and I will get you, also my time zone is gmt -5 east coast USA also I will make all classes but will main a warlock sunsinger
PSN: FireClan99