originally posted in:Team Not Casual
Hey anyone and everyone, I'm looking for some fellow players to join me for raids, crucible, and mainly the story on the xbox one. I'm 16 fyi and if you have a mic that would be preferred. I've seen a lot of others searching for others to join their raids only but i'm searching for all of the above. My GamerTag is Cruz Traverse and you can either send me a msg on xbox or on this post. Thank you to all that took the time to read this.
For all of you people here looking for an xbox one destiny team, join The Tigermen, a group here on bnet. I founded it and am 16 as well. Many clan mates are 16 and we all have mics. Anyone who's interested can just join and we will go from there
Gt iwolfyx69
GamerTag: MrSamuelJackson Hit me up any time! Earning both exotic and legendary gear is a must...
GT is name. Dieing to raid
XBox One player with main intentions on raiding. My main days available Sunday to Wednesday 3pm to 12am. My plan is to make a Warlock Sunsinger, 2ndly a Titan Defender. Or whatever is needed. Looking for a group of players to work with, for Raiding and Strikes.
Im 13 my psn name is popcornyummy feel free to add me im looking for a raidgroup but i can do strikes and even normal missions too
GT: CCBB McClean9
GT: Ngeneerist Feel free to add me
I'm looking to get into a clan for raids myself. Add me at "Niiiiick FW"
Hey I can help you out :D My Gamertag is walkinglegend98
GT = CarltonTB go ahead and add me for destiny on XBOXONE (east coast)
I'm looking to get as many people on my friends list for when the game launches, add me!: the chimpanzee
FPS Goku <-- GT
I would like to join you, but I haven't played the beta.
what time zone we talking in