originally posted in:Battlefield
Air superiority inbound. As a hotshot with a jet, all I can say is...sweet jesus. Rubber banding [i]everywhere[/i].
Woah, Deej!
Let's fire up the Bungie Community Army again. BF3 has been loads of fun. p.s. I hate you jet people, Chicken Little. I admire you, but I hate you. You ruin my helicopter fun.
BF3 is a terrible game
Air superiority is going to be a lock on fest. I'm not buying. They refuse to fix some of the most rudimentary issues with Battlefield 3, they don't deserve DLC money. The maps will probably be good, similar to most of Aftermath and Armored Kill, but I no longer enjoy the general experience in Battlefield 3.
Where's Axe when you need him?
Man I am excited! I loved Air Superiority in 1943 and I'm glad its back, flying jets is one of my favorite things to do in the game.
I just love me a bit of Battlefield. Can't wait to crossbow mofos off a quad bike.
People still play that game? After the create your own server update it went downhill fast...
I'll probably play some air superiority, but I know I'll end up getting pissed off at retarded randoms plus the fact that I'm not terribly good at air combat. Probably stick with running people over with the dirt bikes.
I have premium so I just have to download it. Though I'm glad they're putting in air superiority.
I suck at flying the jets, but I've got Premium, so I'll be getting the DLC anyway.
This is awesome One can only wish for decent randoms........ Unfortunately that is impossible, so BNET squadron anyone?
Premium master race reporting.
Wish I had it for PC along with premium, haven't played it since Close Quarters cause of pricing and I have it on xbox :/
Jets and helis or just jets?
Might get back on and play some bf3 now
I loved air superiority in BF1943, but I just can't see it working as well in BF3 with all of the "smart" weapons and perks.
I can already see team mates lifting transport vehicles full of players and dropping them off over the sea or watching them fall from great heights.
People still play BF3?
Well shit, now I have to buy it.