Edited by ratgrrl: 12/8/2014 6:23:30 PMLevel 21 Hunter. Pacific Time. Working full time so mostly only play on weekends. PSN. Have played for years but this is my first foray into the social aspect of it. So if you message me or send and invite and I don't respond I'm probably just spazzing out or walking the dogs. I'm working on it though. ;-) It's a new world!
Lvl 27 warlock psn leonadis39 add me down for anything
Edited by B3low_Me_85: 12/2/2014 7:46:08 PMdrillinYOURmom......level 25 Hunter central time
Kilamen. Lvls 28war,25hunt and 10 titan add me im always doin something
Add if your an Active Destiny player like Myself :) PSN:AbstractHero 29 Titan 27 Warlock See you in VOG, Crucible, and nightfall Guardians! Lol Add away! :)
I'm a lvl 27 hunter with mic. On most evenings around 7 EST. PSN= major_dilema716. Add grownup to friend request. I'm a VOG virgin but willing to help with whatever.
Psn: Hollins808 Level 27 Hunter from the uk I'm online most evenings between 9pm and 12 gmt doing daily, weekly and nightfall. Feel free to add me on psn! :-)
MrBukneked lvl28 hunter
Edited by JonSnow_KnowsNot: 11/13/2014 7:11:51 PMScooter_621 , lvl 27 warlock so far.
Hi all Psn name is "wsw-wyatt-earp" Level 25 warlock, play nightly. Usually around 6pm central time
PSN is L-SPENCER371 I have a lvl 28 hunter. I've been playing solo and have yet to experience nitefall or vog hopefully team up soon
Psn MYork1679 lvl 29 titan
PSN:Kilamen lvls 28 war,25hunt and lvl1 titan
26 hunter/2 warlock PSN: coreysilva Up for raids, strikes or running through content with new alts. Mostly play crucible at the moment.
Psn is kingmidas79 lvl 28 Hunter feel free to add me
ghostmerc79 is my psn tag 27warlock
I'm 23 ye old I have lvl 28 titan mic and I'm friendly psn is horrogoblin
RUKidding84 is my psn ..... Lvl 27 Warlock
TheApeofMeth. Play casually but feel free to drop me an invite
Crokett58 here starting Saturday November 8 th I'll be home from work for a month. I usually play a couple hours in the morning and late at night when the kids are in bed. So I'm flexible for most time zones. Friend me anytime. PSN crokett58 Ps4 with mic Lvl 27/28 Titan
PSN: ravendove I play pretty casually, usually at night when work hours and my toddler permit.
Psn: kaamuuu Level 24. Online nights. Good support. looking to do weekly strikes and vog.
PSN Kevjury Lvl 28 Hunter, play most nights (after kids gone to bed) and weekends, will help with anything. have experience with VOG.
Lv 27 Titan Plays nights and weekends, up for any raid or strike. Would really like to do vog with experienced players. No mic Psn: doubleddw
PrimevalSpectre 30 Hunter 27 Warlock 25 Titan
Edited by MartyMan667: 11/5/2014 12:19:36 PMPsn Martyman667 Lvl 20 Titan casual player From Canada