originally posted in:UK Not Dead Yet
UK Not Dead Yet is a multi-generational family group currently open to guardians of all skill and light levels.
Brilliant as Destiny is, you need friends to explore it all. And that's what UK NDY is about. We're not fussed about super speed. We absolutely welcome older guardians. If you've got a good sense of humour and are looking for an extra gun or two: jump in here and let's play...
We play on PS4 in the UK. Usually evenings and weekends - GMT.
- no age limits - other than NDY...
- be patient - it's all just for fun
- be nice - trolls will get dumped
- be prepared to laugh - and make others laugh
- revive others - running revives earn extra kudos
- don't get stressed out if BJ attempts to creatively kill himself or blow you up
If you've got any questions or just want to say "hi" then feel free to drop us a post...
:) (DD Alien) Tony