PS4: zenourn
Squad up with [Zealous] members at 12:00 AM. Add Ss_Cpl_Arti . [Zealous] is looking for well rounded tactical players on PS4. Semper Fi.
PS4: kiwibaz77
Psn: zhelter999 PS4 Mic 31yo Melb Aus Playing as support warlock Casual, looking for fireteams to join!
Edited by Zer0 Threat: 9/8/2014 12:09:26 PMps4 Psn Zer0_Threat_ 32yo Australia looking to join a fireteam.
Starkfury8 Ps4 Aus 20+ please
I'm not really from the South Pacific but I'd say Hong Kong is closer here than most of the other clans. :) I play on the ps3. If you're gonna add me then put destiny in the friend request. PSN ID: Zelcain
What time exactly can we play? my count down ran out ages ago., and no I already tried :P
Edited by TeViron: 9/8/2014 8:30:51 AMPs4: TeViron
Sweet this is an awesome idea. SENAItheGUY PS3 (for now)
Yus there is a New Zealand Community Amstrad_Vs_Atari PS4 Please add me
Ps4 - Lasight
Edited by AirStabOG: 9/8/2014 2:25:12 AMHey everyone I'll be on PS3 for the first month or so add me PSN ID: Air Stab
Hey guys not long to go now! Add me for raids and PvE. PSN: PolePoleson (PS3)
Hey everyone, from syd aus, played about 50 hours on beta and loved it, have mic but will be on ps3, looking to join a few firesquads Psn = RydasQ420
Another kiwi, finally :) Feel free to add me I play on PS4 and my PSN is IceCold_OJ Getting destiny on launch
Chur add me psn "treyskizz1r" peace
Edited by Minimiman: 9/7/2014 8:18:53 AMHi mates I live in australia but I'm using USA Psn id, will it cause a problem? It's nice to meet ya all Ps4 Psn Id : MeTeSeKz2 Psn IGN : Minimiman ExO Cheers
nzcrucky PS4 & PS3
Hey fellas, I'm in singapore and a kiwi so want to play with other kiwis , anyone got any ideas as to how my connection could suffer ie ping, lag? Know destiny works on p2p generally but not computer savy to know if this is beneficial when playing over distances.. Any thoughts would be great fully appreciated :)
Edited by Kablouis: 9/7/2014 7:16:09 AMKablouis - finally found fellow NZers! Oh and I'm on the PS4
PS4: Classy_as_Funk
Edited by Bucket: 9/7/2014 4:30:16 AMPS4 PSN: Big_Booty_Brady
Ps4 PSN: Lucienus Join True Hellfire we could use the numbers! Gearin up for day one!! Join up or fall to the Darkness surrounding you!!
PSN - Jacko_Sparro (PS4) :)
PS4 PSN: Dr_HypGnostic Age: 20 Timezone: PST Mic: Yes