Hey all this group looks great, I am just starting to play Destiny on the Ps4 and have played last year on xbox so looking for a chill group to do some stuff with. Based on the description this group is exactly what I'm looking for. I look forward to playing with all of you.
[quote]Requirements. "LF 2 more, don't message me unless u have a Vex jockstrap, seven Gjallerhorns on a baseball bat, and sniper that will get a headshot kill in the crucible while standing in the Crota raid." Trying to turn the members into your personal Room of Requirement will eventually get you kicked. [/quote] You are my favorite kind of person
The part about karate-chopping brownies slew me. Where do you guys get these things from?
Sounds fun. Looking forward to playing with y'all
This sounds great! I work a weird work schedule and when I get on it usually don't use a mic because of sleeping family members so a place where I wouldn't be pressured would be great
Perfect amount of awesomesauce
This is such a great post, really looking forward to playing some destiny with you guys.
Hey guys, enjoying all the reading I've done so far on the Clan and I'm looking for a place to call home. While I'm not new I am definitely willing to get involved in helping out those who ask or are willing to listen. Work life has had me reduce my game play substantially but that doesn't mean I'm dropping this game by any means. Hope to become a part of an awesome clan. -IveyNation
Glad to be aboard. I'm with cooldude; this was a good read. Though I love me some brownies and would sooner eat them than karate chop them. I appreciate the help running through raids. #greenestgreenhornever
This was amazing to read, regardless of the content, simply because it was funny as hell! "Seven gjallerhorns on a baseball bat." If your career as a guardian doesn't pan out, you should try out for comic relief in the Reef!