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The Ashen Conflux

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originally posted in:The Ashen Conflux
3/24/2017 10:29:05 PM

Let's dissect the shit out of this Destiny Poster

Poster 1 [url=]Poster 2[/url][spoiler]*A Wild Gringo has appeared*[/spoiler] This needs no intro. You all have seen the Destiny 2 poster that is all but confirmed legit. That being said, assuming it is indeed official material, lets dissect the ever living -blam!- out of it to see if we can predict anything we can about Destiny 2. Also possible spoiler warning but the chances of this spoiling minor points of Destiny 2. [b]Traveler and Location[/b] So firstly it appears the Traveler is in the background. This is much more apparent in Poster 1 than 2, simply because of the bending of poster 2. Now this could mean a couple of things location wise. Firstly it could be the Last City, over which the Traveler currently resides. As we know though, the Last City resides in a temperate region marked by mountains, snow, and lush expanses of pine trees. The area on the poster is, however, is flat, dusty, and devoid of fauna. Now with the Traveler above, that either means the Traveler has left the City or something seriously bad happened to it. Seeing that the climate seems arid and there are those oil pumps in the background, I would care to wager that if it isn't the City, it is probably either the American Southwest or the Middle East. Or it could just be another planet/ moon. [b]Weapons[/b] So on the right is a blatant Suros shotgun. It is much better on Poster 2 but there is no denying it. In the middle we see what is certainly an Omolon weapon, namely with the logo pronounced on the magazine/ canister. It shares a resemblance to the only Omolon Auto Rifle in game, Hard Light. It would stand to reason then that this could be an Auto Rifle. That being said, it does bear an unusual resemblance to [url=]Halo's Railgun[/url] and I think Bungie would be crazy to not add new weapon types. Plus if someone was gonna make railguns in Destiny, it would be Omolon. On the left is a handcannon (Maybe sidearm but it seems too large). It has a distinctive look that seems similar to Suros but the paint job is off. It is either: a blue variation of Suros, an exotic with an ornament, a new foundry, or some random weapon. [b]Classes and Armor[/b] So front in center is a Titan. No ifs ands or buts about it. On the right appears to be a warlock with the long flowing ground. On the right seems to be a Hunter, and knowing Destiny is keeping the three classes that seems the case. It is hard to see but there appears to be a cloak. It should also be something of note that their helmets are off but I doubt that is anything more than marketing. [b]Misc.[/b] Beta PS4 exclusives September 8 release There is a ship in the background. It isn't clear but it seems to be Human, Fallen, or some unknown thing. So what do you think? Do you think it is real or an elaborate fake?

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  • The desert background could also support a theory that part of destiny 2 will be on Mercury. Also, one of the two dlc symbols for d2 is for Osiris, who famously resides on Mercury

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  • Edited by BannedMythicAccount: 3/25/2017 7:52:01 PM
    We all know Destiny 2 will sell like crazy when the game comes out. The problem is, they will no doubt have sold less by a significant amount, thanks to the player base that's lost with Destiny 1 and those who won't consider the sequel because of how Destiny 1 was maintained. Which is a huge loss to what could have been even more profit. Titanfall 1 had a similar problem but TF2 is slowly regaining traction because it's actually a really well made game, however had they got the PR and gaming community backing on launch, it would have sold a shit ton more, enough to keep a momentum going for months and potentially years. Destiny 2, won't have that. For players like me, it's already dead on arrival and I know thats an entirely bias comment to make, but that's gained from the Destiny 1 experience. I know a huge majority of people specifically year 1 pvp players who feel this way. and that right there, is the biggest shame about the release of Destiny 2. Pretty much the reversal of a Halo 2 release situation. Starting a game announcement with negative PR due to negative expectations gained from a negative experience from the progression of D1 through the years. I really think Acti-Bungie needs to get a team together that can really analyse the community properly and understand when a fault needs a REVERSAL after a decision that was made due to pressure was enforced but turn out to make the over game WORSE for the community as a whole. The biggest start would be to actually engage and actually have a daily destiny player on board who is willing to critise bungie without fanboy appeal on a topic. Someone who actually cares about playing the game. Having community managers like Deej for example led to a massive disconnect between Destiny players and the rest of the community, it was unavoidable that the dude was going to come across as a unsincere when he would be like 'i understand your frustrations about x and y' when its clear the dude doesn't even play or even understand what x and y is. That kind of disconnect on a million dollar+ product towards a community of literal thousands is actually ridiculous and just further highlights what went wrong with D1 moving forward. People involved in this game are clearly in this bubble of 'it sold well' therefore we can do anything and we do everything right! Not really understanding that one of the biggest if not main factors to why this game sold so well was because of the establishment and connection as a studio that Bungie had with HALO. The arrogance was the downfall and it continues to be seen today.

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    8 Replies
    • Anyone notice they are all human

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    • Anyone here ever have to dissect an owl pellet for biology class in middle school?

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      11 Replies
      • What if That hand cannon/sidearm is Daito or something rather than Hakkë, SUROS or Omolon?

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      • Your stealing from the streamers and their ever popular "something confirmed " logo that quickly furs into this may be this if you analyze it enough . A top notch streamer can turn that poster into a two hours show of conjecture and possibilities with a lot of fluff thrown in.

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      • Am I the only one looking at this poster thinking 🤔- Hmmm these don't look like new classes....

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        2 Replies
        • Edited by Themesis: 3/25/2017 6:57:51 AM
          That building in the back is actually the nerf factory and the world has dried up from all the salt from our tears that came from D1. I can explain why the traveler is there but I don't have time to explain.

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          3 Replies
          • Whoa for once can we take our helmet off outside of the tower??? Lol... Jk that'll never happen.

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            7 Replies
            • Destiny 2 is Destiny 1 (PC version) Totally waiting out the year 1 beta phases. Y'all already know the routine.

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            • Edited by ghostx78x: 3/27/2017 2:13:12 AM
              I see satellites and radio towers- not oil wells. It does look arrid and dusty, though, but there is fauna and concrete. Definitely a fallen ship heading in the same direction the 3 guardians are heading.

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            • Nobody cares.

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              3 Replies
              • [quote]Poster 1 [url=]Poster 2[/url][spoiler]*A Wild Gringo has appeared*[/spoiler] This needs no intro. You all have seen the Destiny 2 poster that is all but confirmed legit. That being said, assuming it is indeed official material, lets dissect the ever living -blam!- out of it to see if we can predict anything we can about Destiny 2. Also possible spoiler warning but the chances of this spoiling minor points of Destiny 2. [b]Traveler and Location[/b] So firstly it appears the Traveler is in the background. This is much more apparent in Poster 1 than 2, simply because of the bending of poster 2. Now this could mean a couple of things location wise. Firstly it could be the Last City, over which the Traveler currently resides. As we know though, the Last City resides in a temperate region marked by mountains, snow, and lush expanses of pine trees. The area on the poster is, however, is flat, dusty, and devoid of fauna. Now with the Traveler above, that either means the Traveler has left the City or something seriously bad happened to it. Seeing that the climate seems arid and there are those oil pumps in the background, I would care to wager that if it isn't the City, it is probably either the American Southwest or the Middle East. Or it could just be another planet/ moon. [b]Weapons[/b] So on the right is a blatant Suros shotgun. It is much better on Poster 2 but there is no denying it. In the middle we see what is certainly an Omolon weapon, namely with the logo pronounced on the magazine/ canister. It shares a resemblance to the only Omolon Auto Rifle in game, Hard Light. It would stand to reason then that this could be an Auto Rifle. That being said, it does bear an unusual resemblance to [url=]Halo's Railgun[/url] and I think Bungie would be crazy to not add new weapon types. Plus if someone was gonna make railguns in Destiny, it would be Omolon. On the left is a handcannon (Maybe sidearm but it seems too large). It has a distinctive look that seems similar to Suros but the paint job is off. It is either: a blue variation of Suros, an exotic with an ornament, a new foundry, or some random weapon. [b]Classes and Armor[/b] So front in center is a Titan. No ifs ands or buts about it. On the right appears to be a warlock with the long flowing ground. On the right seems to be a Hunter, and knowing Destiny is keeping the three classes that seems the case. It is hard to see but there appears to be a cloak. It should also be something of note that their helmets are off but I doubt that is anything more than marketing. [b]Misc.[/b] Beta PS4 exclusives September 8 release There is a ship in the background. It isn't clear but it seems to be Human, Fallen, or some unknown thing. So what do you think? Do you think it is real or an elaborate fake?[/quote] Ye

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                15 Replies
                • let's breakdown a tiny poster so we can assume all types of stuff and hype up false assumptions then bitch when they come true i'll pass

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                • The ship in the background could just be completely random. It has a striking resemblance to the Frigates in the halo series, for instance the Forward unto Dawn. If Bungie is going with that same kind of aesthetic for the ships, that could mean that that ship is human. Maybe guardians ships will play a bigger role, who knows. But then on the flip side it could likely be a fallen ship of some sort, because it kind of has that long back part that skiffs have. Also notice how it is not really moving, like there is no motion blur or anything to suggest that it is moving, which could mean it is a drop ship of some degree, which is exactly what skiffs are. The location that they are in could be the last city, if the cabal actually attacked it. It was hinted that the cabal do attack in a toy that showed up on amazon hinting at it. It does look dry and arid, and maybe it is the last city many years after some kind of full scale invasion, that decimated the city. Or maybe it is a completely different part of the earth. In the time between destiny 1 and destiny 2 the traveler could of been fixed or it could of fixed itself, and moved to a different part of the globe during the cabal invasion to save itself. On the flip side of that, and this is my personal theory, is that this poster is on mars. The architecture matches up with the building and things found in the Psion flare mission on the very top of the building. Also the cabal are supposed to be the main antagonists. The traveler being there could mean that it has moved back to mars, or it just shows up in the background for marketing. That brings me back to my finale statement, and it has to do with that ship again. If this picture is on mars, which i am inclined to believe, than that ship could be a cabal ship. It has the same very blocky look to it, like other cabal drop ships, and it would make more sense than it being a human or fallen ship. Phew, that was a lot of typing.

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                  2 Replies
                  • The poster, this game, and Bungie are all shit. There is nothing to dissect.

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                    4 Replies
                    • My issue is the release date. The 8th of September is on a Friday. Two things I want to point out. Games aren't typically released on a Friday which means that whatever country this is shown in is getting it on a Friday. The other thing I want to point out is since we typically have games released on Tuesdays here in the states, we will probably see it on the 5th.

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                      2 Replies
                      • Edited by ElderWolfWalker: 3/26/2017 10:04:53 AM
                        Looks like there's familiar guardian ships in the back ground. (Valkyrie ships I think) (the small ships )

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                      • You guys are focusing on what's in the picture not what's not in the picture like say their ghosts?

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                        2 Replies
                        • Looks like a poster for Destiny 2 to me.

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                          3 Replies
                          • I love this poster. It's so awesome. and their helmets are off because they were chillin' in the Tower when suddenly the Cabal attack them and they have to quickly grab their guns to defend themselves and the citizens of the last city. Probably.

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                            8 Replies
                            • Edited by joe_ryan_mc: 3/25/2017 2:31:38 AM
                              I wonder if the logo at the bottom left with 16 in it refers to that country's version of our ESRB ratings. Basically saying 16 and up or for us rated "T" for teen. If so, there goes my dream of Destiny 2 getting a mature rating.

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                              48 Replies
                              • [quote] There is a ship in the background. It isn't clear but it seems to be Human, Fallen, or some unknown thing.[/quote] So...What you're saying is, it's definitely not peanut butter?

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                                1 Reply
                                • Okay no problem. You have what should have been DLC for this game being released as a 'Number 2' With all the wonderful features of Silver, nerfs, and you'll enjoy this, ignoring their fanbase! And you'll all buy it, so don't bother acting like you won't.

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                                  2 Replies
                                  • I have some insight which may, or may not have already been said below: The small pointy structure directly under the ship resembles an old Spanish Mission structure. Seen here: These were primarily built in the southwestern United States, with the majority being in California, Texas and New Mexico. Now when I researched this a little, the missions' architecture is slightly different per geographic location. There are two areas which have similar architecture to the D2 poster: New Mexico and California. Based on this poster I believe that this location is toward New Mexico because it appears to be very dusty and devoid of palms and such. In any event, this is NOT old Russia, and we can decide from that that the Traveler either relocated, or we relocated it after a fierce battle. Just my thoughts 🙃

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                                    14 Replies
                                    • I cant get excited about an supposedly leaked poster. Its a frikkin poster.

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