originally posted in:Gaymers of Destiny
Post here if you're looking for friends on your console, fireteam members, etc. I think this should help reduce the number of forum posts saying "I'm on PS3 and looking for friends!"
1. GamerTag/PSN:
2. Console
3. In-Game Activities You Play
4. Character Level
5. Character Class
6. Have a Mic?
So, for me.
1. RoyaleTee
2. XBOX One
3. Strikes, Weeklies, Dailies, Vault of Glass (pretty much anything except the crucible)
4. Level 27
5. Titan
6. Have a Mic
BuzzBase1 PS3 Pretty much everything Warlock Mic
1. DPhoenix1984 2. XBOX One 3. Strikes, Weeklies, Dailies, Vault of Glass (trying to work towards it) 4. Level 24 5. Warlock 6. Have a Mic
Edited by duckduckBOOP: 6/25/2015 5:26:59 PMHey guys, California boy here. Not a hardcore player but looking to build up Legendary and Exotics. 1. JustADuckyGuy (back from 8 years ago, don't ask...) 2. PS4 3. Anything 4. Lv 34 5. Warlock main, Titan, Hunter 6. Have a mic EDIT: Crucible ain't so bad...
1. Royk9 2. PS4 3. Vault of Glass (pretty much anything except the crucible... I suck there) 4. Level 27 - Level 12 - Level 2 5. Warlock - Titan - Hunter 6. Have a Mic
1thrugnakthedestro 2. PS4 3. Anything but pvp 4.lvl25 5. Warlock 6. Yes I have a mic
1 . FL Nad3d 2. 360 Everything but crucible 4. 26 Hunter No mic
This is a great idea! 1. Cepperz 2. PS4 3. Everything! I try to complete all the bounties/weekly strikes as soon as they're available. I'm usually at the Atheon Hard checkpoint every Tuesday night. 4. Level 29 5. Titan Defender/Striker depending on my mood 6. I'm always streaming with my mic on