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"Guardians from down under"

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originally posted in:Australia
6/16/2017 2:08:36 PM

A Call To Guardians

Guardian, Since you’ve put to rest the Heart in the Black Garden, You’ve fought back an army of darkness; The wolves broke free and rose to band all Fallen under one Banner, you put a stop to Skolas’ plans to be Kell of Kells. Your fire team descended the Abyss and faced Crota head on, killing him with his own sword his death bought on a new threat, You defeated Oryx in his Dreadnaught halting The Hives conquest of our solar system. You put to rest The Splicers tampering with Siva, stopping them from becoming Machine gods they sought to be. Ahh… Lets not forget the Cabals war base on Mars which is leaderless now thanks to you personally putting a stop to their advances. Valus Ta’aruk, ha!. Though, ever since that Outbound Signal reached the Emperor from the Dreadnaught, The Cabal have tread upon the stars, Carved a path towards us and have decimated our home. The Tower is no more, our sweet loots, No more. How we didn’t see this coming is beyond me. But now we must regroup, find our strength and take back our home or die trying (probably several times). I call upon YOU Guardian, Now is the time to be brave and stand for those who can not, reclaim what is ours and end this Cabal insurgency once and for all. We came from the other side of the World to Old Russia just to be safe beneath the Traveller and protect the people of The Last City from the impending darkness…. but the jet lag is hell so we operate on our time...... The Great Australian Timezone [b]-We are in Search of fellow Guardians from THE GREAT SOUTHERN LAND (and affiliated timezones) to take on the new cabal threat and put an end to Ghaul's plans. We are a smaller clan looking to run raids, strikes, crucible and all manner of other activities in Destiny and D2. Let's help each other become Legend .[/b]

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