Terror Europa
"Spawn of European Darkness"
originally posted in:Terror Europa
I want to thank you for the add and introduce myself, My name is Killian, I'm 19 and still a student in woodworking it is my last year aswell, I live in Belgium and I am mostly of the time online every day and often in de evenings I played a long time ago destiny with only dark below update I think but I started a whole new account for everything do I made a new guardian warlock and I'm lvl 15 atm I will get the updates of taken king and house of wolfs as soon as I can but I just got some problems with lvling alone with some quests I have to do and I'm stuck with one of them. #Ingame ImaMushroomYT
I also play GTA 5 next to destiny and a few more but destiny is still my favorite,
Thanks again.