Edited by JustinC98: 1/15/2016 2:54:11 AMI have a 319 suros regime... WHY!? WHY DID IT NOT GIVE ME 320!!!!!!!!!!!! (I'm crying now)
I was lucky enough to get 2 from draksis... impact is amazing on it. I never used to use ar's till the recent buff, and this is a beast.
I havn't used this as much as I have some of the other exotics however, what I can say is that it hits like a truck.. feels extremely solid and has great stability even under fire. my only problem is the slow fire rate.. for me its an A-
I run a max stability/range build with spinning up. This is a PvE beast. With the right class/armor perks this primary will destroy anything in your way. I haven't had enough time in TTK PvP to have an opinion but I would imagine it's good or even excellent in the right hands. Solid A from me.