originally posted in:Old Man Clan
Anyone using a hand canon. I've read a lot of complaints about them but they seem fun. Any tips or good models i should look at?
I personaly love hand cannons. The one i use is caled the searcher iii. If you intend to use one only enguage in close quarters. The hand cannons fires a larger guage roumd so it ruquires a bit less aiming at close quarters. If you want to get the hand canmon i have i just farm the devils lair.
Cool thanks guys. I was using them wrong. I was attempting to use them like the halo ce pistol or better yet the magnum from marathon. Once i started treating them like shotguns in pvp it all changed.
Don't have many tips for good models my Titan uses a Bandit Mk. 36, there are definitly better ones out there. As Cripple said they are better in closer quarters as the damage fall-off is pretty quick compared to other guns besides the shotgun. Playing PvE it's one of my favorite weapons, in PvP not so much and prefer a scout rifle or auto rifle combined with a shotgun.
I can tell you right now that when the game launches oh boy am I gonna love using the Hawkmoon along with a few others like Thorn and I can't forget the Duke Mk 44.