Hi, Im new to destiny. I tried to join on the home page but the button wont allow me. Could you please send a invite. My psn account is dangerous_dingo1. Ta Brendan
Hi all, just a shout to say thanks for accepting me into the clan. I’m a day one player who has enjoyed most of the game since its release, except for the raids, because until very recently I was stuck behind 5 mbps ADSL: and yeah, I know, I know, I was that guy, red-barring in the crucible chasing Thorn, and I just didn’t want to inflict that lag on members of a fireteam I might want to play with regularly : ) But, as of a few days ago, I’m wired to my router and fed by the NBN, so all is good. Most of my Destiny coop experience in Year 1 was like being shot at while running through treacle - the only upside to ‘the long year of lag’, was the necessity of learning to anticipate the movement of my enemy. Anyway - I’m an old “Bungle” fan since the days of Marathon and Myth TFL (yeah that old). I love Destiny, but am not a fan of the “Bungle-RaptorVision” hybrid that now seems to prioritise profit, over artistic integrity and clear communication of vision (do they still have one?). I ran a human hunter through most of year one, before starting an awoken warlock and then a female exo titan. Probably the most significant thing that Destiny has done for me has been getting me into PVP. I’d always enjoyed FPS but had not played a PVP shooter until the grind for Thorn forced me into it. I hated it at first, but my desire for Thorn, and then Invective, kept me going back to the crucible, and now its really my favourite part of the game. I am often online in the evening, but also do remote field work at times, so may be unavailable and unresponsive to messaging for days. So apologies in advance, if I don’t respond immediately. I respect others, I like a laugh, and I think I can get along with most people, most of the time, so I look forward to meeting you all - somewhere - in the game - sometime… cheers v
Hey guys! I'm 21 and from Tasmania (no tassie jokes ;) ) I've played destiny for around 8 months and have done most of what destiny has to offer BUT i am looking for a group to have a good time with and continue the fun. This group sounds perfect and i'd love to be part of it if you still have room? I consider myself a decent player and am always willing to help anyone out whether it be PVP or PVE so feel free to send me an invite or message! I'm a shift worker so im on regularly and at different times to suit all :) PSN: Ardentis1486
Hey I'm from WA looking to join an active Australian clan if you guys have room.
Hey all, one of the newer guys here... Gamer tag is Demonic Paragon you can call me whatever is easy for ya. Just letting ya all know I exist and appreciate acceptin me~
Hey what's up can I join?
Edited by rusty pinecone: 10/25/2015 12:16:40 AMHey everyone! Rusty-pinecone here. Feel free to call me Rusty or if you prefer, my given name is Matt. I'm from Melbourne Australia, been playing Destiny since its first few weeks of release. I play one of each class but mostly play my Warlock. Have been through all the content Destiny has to offer so far, including triumphant moments in all the raids and other end-game activities. I have a heavy work schedule as of late, and don't get to raid as often as I like. I'm on most days for a couple of hours. I consider myself a decent skilled and knowledgeable player, I'm free most weekends for long stretches of game time. Thanks for accepting, see you all out there!
gday guys im dante, 26, love destiny play with a few mates when we arent working...love the warlock but recently got a titan to 40... played since it released but never did a raid so im always up for it... xboxone name: DanteKnightX ...pretty much on every night to do daily's and work during the days life of a chef... thanks for the add to TA
Edited by SerenityWo1f: 10/22/2015 4:13:52 AMHey there, I'm a passionate gamer in Newcastle NSW Australia, loving destiny and can't get enough of it. I enjoy everything from strikes to raids to PvP. Feel free to add me on xbox one: SerenityWo1f
Hi all, new to the group, I'm 35 and work in the mining industry in Western Australia. I'm on most nights after work when the kids go to sleep ( if the kids go to sleep ).I enjoy raids, strikes and the arena so feel free to add me, my psn is: roundy12 and I look forward to meeting you all on the battle field.
Edited by MADAM L4SH: 10/23/2015 7:54:05 AMIs this group mainly PS4 or X1?
I'm from Quebec,Canada and i'm sure the accent should not be a problem!
Edited by ITZ 308: 8/31/2015 7:58:57 AMNewer player. Have only had destiny for a couple months, still learning. I'm 28 from the US. This group seems up my alley. I'm ready to learn and take on taken king when it arrives . I joined group, hope that is OK.
G'day all, just joined the group. I'm on most days (xbone), Lvl 34 on all characters. Happy to play any mode so if you need a player feel free to send an invite my way! Still haven't been able to beat Skolas yet, so I'm pretty keen to get that done before year one ends.
Hi i just joined the group hope thats ok
Gmonster here. Just joined, am from Latvia. Able to communicate in the language of the English. Practically live in the game.
Awesome clan so far! Great to team up with other Aussies. Everyone is so layed back, but so passionate about Destiny. Its a winning combination!
Thanks for the accept......from Darwin and love a beer whilst talking shit on Destiny Cheers
Hey I've joined the group hope that's cool, just got the game a few days back so green as but enjoying it and hopefully learn some tricks here :) Oh yeah I love beer. Xbone stroppymantra
Gt - dredpiratesnoop Lvl 29 hunter with maxed legendarys Normally on after 9 till around midnight Have headset and Skype Live on northern beaches sydney with two kids. Oh yeah ... I'm a Pommie Bastard!
Hey, 21 year old Melbourne Gamer here - absolutely loving Destiny but a bit over lone wolving everything and would like to sink my teeth into some of the harder content with likeminded people. Have sent through a request to join and hope that this could lead to some exciting gaming opportunities. Console is Xbox One and gamertag is; Invincible666 I am prepared to use a headset as well.
Bend over and show me your Southern Darkness.
Just sent a request to join. Ill be playing on ps4, Probably warlock to start with. I was the co founder of a platoon in BF4 (members 35 or so) on ps3 as well as the lieutenant in a guild wars 2 clan on pc. If you guys wanna play just add me on psn. Dont know how many ps4 guys you have though.
Thanks for having me Log, look forward to tearing it up in PvP.
GT rardo15 play on xbox one 26 in Melbourne will be playing the beta before the game come out in September
Gday log. Just curious, how many logs have you been powerslave to?