"Ravioli, Ravioli, give me the formuoli."
originally posted in:IlluminatiMegazord
Want to join our clan? Great! But there are some rules first...
1. Be not not not mean (it maeks me crie)
2. Don't swear, and if you are, at least censor it.
3. Don't be racist, sexist, offensive, or prejudice in any way.
4. Bronies, you are aloud to join, but do not use words like everypony. We're human beings dangit! +it's annoying
5.Don't post links to innapropro sites
6. Don't ask to be an admin, it is a sacred ranking only earned if you deserve it.
7. Admins, pls don't go crazy with your privileges, pls, like srsly just don't.
8. Have Fun! + Enjoy!
1. Warning
2. 2nd Warning or demote if admin
3. Kicked and Blocked