1000 wooooooooooooo
Edited by Envy: 7/16/2015 5:05:57 PM6- "it" I guess I'll have to play the whole story and read everything I can
6. Hive knight?
The Nine or the Jovians?
6. Deathsinger?
Six: The Forsaken?
Does number six have anything to do with the hive?
Battle of twilight gap
6. The traveler? Or 6. Alpha Lupi?
Edited by simonfur181: 7/16/2015 12:01:27 PM
6. Thorn
Number 6: Kabr?
Is number six Cursed Thrall?
Edited by TheDude5_1_5_0: 7/16/2015 9:39:51 AMNumber 6 is gjallerhorn or fiezel crux (spelling?)
Edited by Blade: 7/16/2015 9:18:29 AMCrux/Lomar (Feizel Crux, from the Gally quote.) for 6. Beauty in Destruction. That, or.... The Architects? Let's face it, everyone has been flung into a wall and killed by the architects before.
Is number 6 the darkness,because we died to it beforw but thw ghost brought us back. So is it the darkness
1. Draksis 2. Exos 3. Urzok 4. No Land Beyond 5. Rusted Lands 6. Fiezel Crux Final answer: Refund
Luna. Or Lupi. Why you ask? Well one is just moon and that was one of the first objects in our solar system taken by the hive and its new master Crota, but I don't know if you'd say you've died by it. Then Lupi because reasons.
Hunger of crota
Suros Regime was the first overused beasts in PvP. As a weapon it wants to be fired, but because it knows that if it does it will be nerfed and be in dark times for not getting any more use. Also as one of the best in PvP it is unlikely that you haven't died by a Suros before. Last, it sounds beautiful and used too cause mass destruction in ancient times. But, I know this is wrong so... whatever.
I'm assuming (even though I'm probably wrong) that this has to do with a weapon or ability of some sort. My third guess is the Thunderlord.
6) Gjallahorn