originally posted in:Untrustworthy
Played destiny since it came out haven't played with to many people mainly by myself I'm 28 and got kids.
Gt Kelptic I'll be more then happy to help you or anyone else out. I'm in the central time zone.
GT: Sharignan Dark I'll gladly help with PoE, raids and whatever else
Add me at El Spades I'll help you run PoE or anything else
Thanks to all of you I haven't done the raids but once a piece and I haven't done all the poe
Played mainly solo but enjoy team work the most. On in the weekends and evening
Also been solo mostly, and looking to game with a group. Mostly evenings, add me on Xbox, I'm always down to play if I'm logged on. GT cheeztoothpaste
In the same boat have kids and playing solo. Usually in game late at night so send invite if I'm around up for anything. Gt: coinloki4276063
I've logged many hours rolling solo myself. Add me if you like, GT is the same JBJ74. My work hours are crazy but if I'm on, I'll be ready to roll.
Hit me up anytime i am on gt Twisty fs i am on xbox 1