You guys get enough love from the forums lol. Us hunters get shitted on day in and day out just cause out supers shoot flaming balls of death and our blades slice through people like butter
Our lore gets tainted and graffitied by self-proclaim warlocks and Titan heroes who are mediocre at best.
Tell me guardian, where's the love for the Hunters?
It's because of hunters saying they are master race puts them in bad light
I always see the warlocks put up the master race threads...not hunters.
I assure you it's both ... Not us simple kind titans though
So true...there's hardly any Titan hate on here due to that. Everyone kinda...likes titans
It's cause we don't start fights
Or you just bash us up behind the pub and eliminate trouble before it even starts XD
Don't know about who you hang with, but most of the people I play with respect each other. Also I see people making fun of titans for not being able to blink or being much slower. Also for having a "cheap one hit kill" melee and supers that seemingly make use invincible while we are using them. Despite my personal experience saying otherwise. I also see warlocks being made fun of as the cheese only class, only useful for breaking the game with their "cheap self-revive" ability. If you think the forums cater only to titans, then you must have missed the warlock/hunter master race movement on these forums. While you're sitting their being upset, I'll be enjoying my time with my Titan/hunter/warlock friends, because I respect the other classes and their strength. It's a game anyways, who gives a crap if there are idiots on the forum hating the way you play, they are just salty that they were killed.