I would like to know if and when new ghost shells other than the collectors edition one will be available. Like, if i need the stupid thing i at least would like to be able to get a cooler one. The current ghost shell is bland compared to some of the dead ghosts players find. So please, add some new ghost shells.
I'm with this! I was really excited about the ability to find dead ghosts. Was really hoping that by finding a bunch of them would help get me a new ghost. The starting ghost has grown to have an annoying voice and is a bit of coward when it comes to entering some engagements. I've found 13 ghosts in the field, and only getting more story fluff for recovering them is a bit of a drag. Even if a shader was made for ghosts I'd be a bit happier. When you have like what 8 slots open in the ghosts inventory, one would figure some kind of upgrade or advancement to the ghosts.