[quote]hunters are poop in PvE[/quote]
Who do you even play with?
[quote]double jump sucks[/quote]
If you [b]knew[/b] how to use it, it wouldn't suck. As a hunter, I am always asked, "How did you get up there?" or "You are a god damn billy goat." All of my titan/warlock(and some hunters) friends have troubles climbing in the same places.
Example: Getting on top of Crota's End and on-top of the map at the bridge encounter.
Basically, it comes down to if you actually know how to use the double jump/triple jump.
[quote]and the invis thing sucks[/quote]
The invisibility is rather pointless in PVP but is fantastic in PVE, especially when you need to get past mobs, (Lamp encounter) or to revive someone on a nightfall, ect ect.
For the raid team I play with,
I do the lamp encounter,
I fly across the map with the sword at the bridge encounter,
I get on-top of the witch at Ir Yut while others kill the shriekers so that I can kill Ir Yut.
I'm not usually sword bearer, but I can be when the need arises.
Don't sell Hunters short just because you can't use one.
Same goes for any class.
U suck for cheesing it
Cheesing? Where?
The bridge. If your talking going up there. I always go for legit.
Crota should really be the only thing you need to worry about kids "cheesing". if it rustles you guys so much.. :/ I guess you want to say that sending a hunter along at the lamp encounter is a "cheese", having multiple characters is a "cheese", swapping weapons over is "cheese" as well? :P