Dear Master Rahool,
I am seriously starting to doubt your abilities as a Cryptarch master. I bring you uncommon and rare engrams, you decipher them and give me armor, weapons, strange coins and sometimes motes of light. But when I give you legendary engrams, whenever the grace of the traveler blesses me enough to find one, the items are never for me - they're for the Titan or the Hunter! Now....I know I spend most of my days out and about, beating on Atheon for the hundredth time (seriously, I'm starting to think he likes it) but I know you know who I am. I got my Cryptarch to level to 23 for travelers sake! Doesn't that mean anything? We go way back! What's going on? Old age? Can we get this right please because I'll be damned if I let my guardian brethren feed from the fruits of my labor!
[i]Yours truly,[/i]
The PMSing Warlock
PS: I got you a "I survived Crota's raid and all I got for it was this lousy t-shirt" t-shirt.
He doesn't decide what you get. He just gives you what the engrams already are. So much hate directed the wrong direction.