Do share, why don't you use them? And I'd rather have more specific reason than "I don't like them" (which is a valid reason ofcourse), because I'm curious why don't you like them.
Thank you!
EDIT: Typo, and thank you for feedback. :p
I prefer snipers in PvE, because I prefer to keep distance between me and the enemies. There are few times that you need to be that close to an enemy that will require the use of a shotgun.
Range on them (lack of) makes me feel like I'm Emil from Halo Reach trying to "Shotgun snipe" everything... Lightswitch
Snipers are op and way more useful in almost any situation. Not a huge fan of face checking the sword bearer
Snipers just seem like a better choice. But I'll try shotguns more now
I use them in pve... they get shit done
A) I do B) they suck against bosses
I don't like them. Plain and simple. I like precision weapons and don't prefer CQC.
Because if I'm going to get that close to something then I'm just going to punch, knife or forcefield it to death
Edited by Phoenix: 2/9/2015 4:02:39 PMSometimes I use shotguns just for fun. Most of the time I'm running around with an sniper
I like to alternate myself between my fusion rifle and shotgun. Normally i only use my shotgun on my titan just for boss rush down of group clear outs
Edited by Cap10Victory: 2/9/2015 4:02:01 PMBomb you're dead. And now time to blink shotgun your team mates... Tah tahh Ohh pve never unless I'm leveling up... And then I switch when I turn in bounties.
Edited by HederaFox: 2/9/2015 3:38:54 PMI like sniper rifles, and fusion rifles better.
I actually do use shotguns in pve! Probs cause I use a pulse, which works good on everything that isn't close range. Which is where Shotties comes in. most used loadout is getting a lot stronger!
Because I'm waiting for the buff on Tuesday.
Edited by DarrylEXK: 2/9/2015 2:36:16 PMlightswitch other than that i use swordbreaker
terrible range, damage, and apparently the a.i, can sidestep your shot.
No range, insane reloads, pitiful rate of fire.
Basically because either A mobs will normally melee you to death before you can kill it with a shotgun or B mobs will do a devastating aoe ground pound move which will again kill you before you can kill them
it one shots most mobs 2 shots for enemies like captains
No range, may as well punch stuff instead and have a Fusion Rifle equipped.
I do for the first part of vog. Shotguns drop praetorians very quickly, making then much less annoying. Low levels should try it on gatekeeper! But in general i use a sniper, since im usually not right next to my target.
I love them in PvE
U know how ridiculously op those AI mobs' melee is? They recover from melee extremly fast
Because snipers do the most damage in the game, and shotguns have nothing on 5-6k crit shots. >.<
Every time I use one it will hit for like 15 damage
I use my 4th horseman vs crota all the time the range is incredable