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Discuss all things Destiny.
2/6/2015 12:36:01 PM

I actually like destiny.

Man, I read these forums quite a bit and see a lot of hate. Understandable, things aren't going your way. But seriously? This is a sweet game. I'm as far away from my family as I could be and I have constant feud with my brother about how I'm going to get this gun before him etc (I always lose)... The fact that this game has a 'community' is astounding. I mean.. Imagine if sonic 2 had a community? There would be hate over how much metal sonic was a prick and how there are no extra lives. Personally. I love the fact it's hard to get certain items/weapons. It separates us from other players and gives us bragging rights! So I want this to be a bragging post mainly aimed at my brother! Suck my red death!! May your efforts be futile and xur never sell it! Mwahah suck on that!

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