I know this will surprise you, but some people want to play again where the choices between weapons are real. It's less 'this class of weapon is just better' and more 'I'm better with this method of delivering damage' if the guns are more smoothed out. So it's not just a matter of practicing with a type of weapon that's already designed to be stronger than the others. It's really about developing your play style and, in team matches, balancing weapon and ability choices. After this patch drops, try running a skirmish team with all AR users again. Prepare to get crushed by someone with two ARs and a Hand Cannon, or some other mix that makes some damn sense for team fights. This isn't Halo. There is no BR and/or weapon that will dominate the game and allow players to be braindead. Get used to it, or go play Halo 5.
Nope, this update has been a long time coming and I'm looking forward to actually using Pulse Rifles.
-blam!- yeah! Pulse Rifles are my domain! I'm glad I stuck with them as my main weapon. They definitely need a buff.