Screw it, I'll fuse 3:
No Land Beyond, 4th Horseman, Dragon's Breath
Result: [b]A Monstrosity[/b]
Weapon Type: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Description: [i]What the hell, man[/i]
Appearance: Cobbled together mess of a weapon. Several questions come to mind when viewing it: Which end do you point at the enemy? How to you fire it? Can it even be fired? Is it [i]safe[/i] to fire?
Unique Perks: [i]Why did you create me[/i]- Lowers all stats
[i]Please end my suffering[/i]-Upon dismanteling, gives additional Exotic Shards
Only one solution, purge it with fire. Solves all of humanity's problems.
I think Useless would be a good name as well
This and super good advice Gonna battle for worst exotic in the game
[quote]Screw it, I'll fuse 3: No Land Beyond, 4th Horseman, Dragon's Breath Result: [b]A Monstrosity[/b] Weapon Type: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Description: [i]What the hell, man[/i] Appearance: Cobbled together mess of a weapon. Several questions come to mind when viewing it: Which end do you point at the enemy? How to you fire it? Can it even be fired? Is it [i]safe[/i] to fire? Unique Perks: [i]Why did you create me[/i]- Lowers all stats [i]Please end my suffering[/i]-Upon dismanteling, gives additional Exotic Shards[/quote] long-range Shell Launcher
Needs a nerf
This gave me a really good laugh! Well done!
Hehe, there was no limit! Cool exotic!