First I kidnap two baby chimpanzees from the zoo. I raise them both separately for the sole purpose of opening the box. Every waking minute of their life is devoted to training for that moment when they grow up and are given the opportunity to open the box.
Then one day the two chimps are ready. Their training is complete.
I place them in a small room where they see each other for the first time.
In the middle of the room is The Box
My voice comes from a speaker In the room that says, "only one is worthy to open he box"
Then they fight to the death in order to secure the right to fulfill their meaning in life and be the one to open the box.
The one that wins is named ceasar. He triumphantly walks over to the box and pulls out the apple of knowledge. "Nooo! Dont eat that!!" You scream, but he has already started to eat it. Suddenly his IQ raises to 300 and all of his life is now seen from a clearer eye and he instantly learns all the info he missed as a dumb chimp. He grabs the arm of the dead chimp rips it off and jumps through the one way glass and beats you to death. He leaves to start the planet of the apes.
Cruel but best idea ever