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2/5/2015 9:56:08 PM


So some of you may have read this absolutely horrible news from Bungie pertaining to our (currently) lovely weapons. So Bungie's plans to make us wanna use pulse rifles is to make every other alternative less effective. This is the single DUMBEST thing i've ever heard! Why not simply make pulse rifles better you ask?...Crucible....That's it!....The only reason they buff/debuff anything is because people complain about it in crucible or because we aren't playing the way they want us to(which is another pile of bull crap) Let us play the way we see fit, don't punish us because we found a play-style that works for us and don't try to push us towards another one by messing with game mechanics just because you think we should all play differently, we like the way we play now! If you wanted people to play a certain way then give us incentive to do so, dont just make every other style of play less effective! Seriously i really dont get this, it seems like a no brainer!....just make pulse rifles better if you want us to use them!!!!! I honestly think that with all the still present bugs in the game you folks at Bungie should have better things to do with your time than mess with game mechanics in a way that will almost undoubtedly blow up in your face and require another round of messing in less than a week! When you did the first few rounds of "fixing" our weapons (and i use that term very loosely) i thought "eh, just let em do it"......then i moved to "They should really only buff/debuff for PvP if they have to do it" and now im finally fed up with all your constant tinkering just to make they game skew towards your ideal distribution! JUST STOP!!!! There is always going to be a "best way" to do things based on personal play-style and if a majority happens to play that way then we would appreciate it if you would just leave us be rather than constantly making us chase the new "best setup"!! You are NOT fixing anything, just moving problems! So get ready everyone, prepare yourselves. After this patch we will hear about how the No Land beyond isn't used enough and Bungie is going to make it full-auto with 999 bullets or how too many people use Fatebringer so they have to reduce its mag to 1 and get rid of firefly.....O and my favorite thing, we will get to hear about how (Insert any weapon here) is just TOO ridiculous and needs to be "fixed" because some guy in PvP keeps getting killed by it....Then don't play PvP!....It's really annoying that people that don't even play PvP have to deal with the consequences of whiny little goons crying about a particular weapon. A great example is Pocket Infinity. Originally this weapon was amazing for PvE, but because it was also amazing for PvP it got a de-buff and now its only good in PvP! So on this occasion you fixed absolutely nothing (it still -blam!-s faces in PvP) but punished all the PvE players for the complaints of PvP players.......GOOD JOB! <---(heavy sarcasm) I see now that Activision is in charge of the updates as PvP seems to be the only group of people they actually listen to about what needs to be fixed or changed. Meanwhile us PvE players are still coming out of portals backward, dealing with invisible detainment sheilds and health glitches, swords that disappear after only a few seconds, Crota teleporting, certain events in the raid just refusing to trigger until we go to orbit and come back, and thousands more! So good job BungieVision, Thanks for fixing what was never broken (or at least wasn't as bad before you got your Dictator like hands on them again) My only advice on how to fix what you have done is to JUST STOP!....quit while you still have some dignity and let us play the way we want to!....Nobody likes a Hitler of play-styles, and right now that's exactly what you are.

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  • I have a certain dislike for the level of micro managing of players going on in this game. This is especially referring to the way a gun functions in this game. If it functions well at killing something why make it less effective at doing so. The auto rifle was already used less due to its reduced base damage now they are going to be virtually useless against op enemies in pve. The fact that an an enemy more than 3 levels below a player doesn't suffer the same damage reduction penalty as a player against a higher level enemy is ludicrous. Bungie please start listening to your players positive requests and start fixing gliches in the raids. Give us more space in our vault, and for goodness sake when you find your players like a gun type don't turn it into a piece of garbage simply for varieties sake and force players to turn to other gun types. Why not instead offer a bonus for the gun type you wish to see used more and not jilt your players by removing their most effective tool.

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    • Go away noob

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    • Easy on the auto rifle stuff.. Really a majority of the auto rifles have terrible impact and terrible stability... A exotic weapon is supposed to be a very powerful weapon.. If you lower auto rifles damage any more they will be useless it takes too many shots to put down serous enemies if you don't have the right auto weapon... Please please be gentle with autos some of the other guns are right in line

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    • Time to start downloading battlefield 4 DLC and get back on that .... Or wait for halo at least the online part won't be ruined like destinys going . And bungie don't listen to its customers only to themselves ,after all the've made their money back so have little aftercare.

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    • Great now the necrochasm wi be even worse

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    • I have a suggestion Bungie. Why don't you just make it in PvP were everybody has foam armor and cardboard swords. That way you won't have to give in to whining little girls that cry about getting killed all the time in the crucible. This way they could take like 50 hits before death. (Heavy sarcasm)

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    • Get over it. Dont play this type of game if you don't want to experience continuous balance tweaking. Your complaints are absurd.

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    • I'm happy with this update.

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      • #StopTheNERF

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        • I know holy -blam!- bungie

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        • Edited by Vyllence: 2/6/2015 4:28:45 PM
          they sing this song ever so often " its their party and the nerf if they want to.. buff if they forced to.. just as a big f*** you " the sad thing bungie doesnt realise is that they're beating down the already bad AR weapons along witht he good ones at the end of the day this nerf is going to ensure that noone will want to use any AR with high rate of fire. they were already bad in the damage department and they impractical to use at any range except melee and now they making them worst by cutting their range and damage even shorter so at the end of the day, these guns: *hard light *Necrochasm *Atheon's Epilogue * Abyss Defiant Will be worst than useless now.. GREEEAAAAT bungie, way to use your friggin head!! cant they just at least limit the nerf to PVP only??? YOUR BS REASONING BEHIND TTK DOESNT EVEN APPLY TO PVE CONSIDERING MOST MAJORS ARE ALREADY BULLET SPONGES!! WHY DO YOU WANT TO MAKE SHIT EVEN HARDER FOR THOSE WHO HAVE TO STRUGGLE TO DO YOUR GLITCHY ASS RAIDS? RIGHT NOW IT WOULD TAKE ME MORE THAN A CLIP OF MY SUROS TO EVEN KILL ONE MAJOR KNIGHT OR PRETORIAN AS IS AND NOW YOUR ESSENTIALLY TURNING ALL PRIMARIES INTO TICKLE GUNS!! WHO THE HELL IS GUNNA WANT TO USE THESE GUNS YOU RAVED ABOUT NOW? you know what...screw it as it were im almost done with this game - i have barely any more reason to play on a daily basis like when i first started so untill house of wolves comes out i'll probably just stop playing like most of my friends have already done - pssh whatever to bungie. they can keep all their broken games and their "good-glitch hating yet bad glitch loving" selves. i mean, even the guys doing the IGN podcasts are like "meh, im bored of this game now - lets do soemthing else" and yah - we're all bored bungie WE ARE ALL BORED OF YOUR GAME NOW!! and nerfing stuff isnt making your case any better u know.. Meh - im done, cetch you people when house of wolves comes out..but i sure as hell wont be surprised when i hear they nerfed Ghorn because they want dragons breath to look better...

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        • Sadly it is also DICE logic in BF4. What people to use something, nerf everything but that.

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        • Patch seems good .... More balance to weapons I have always thought you should never be able to take on and out shoot a scout at distance with hand cannons Some love may now be found for pulse is good Range reduction or more spread on fusions stops them hitting at stupid range I think this now separates the weapon classes more and has defined boundaries. No more oh I will chuck a cannon on and play at all ranges. Players with have at adapt game play in accordance to weapon choice especially pvp ( or that is my hope anyway )

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        • Hate they are Nerfing Auto Rifles and Hand Cannons....Love that they are Buffing Pulse Rifles.... #Justice4Juju

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        • The only "fix" on weapons so far that actually worked and was most helpful was the buff on thorn and scout rifles in general. Other than that...i can not think of any other good fix.

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        • Edited by Renefrere: 2/6/2015 12:42:39 AM
          [i]Wow, really good idea, not like anyone thinks your idea is complete BS[/i]

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        • Why do they have time to nerf weapons but not fix raid bugs?

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          • heh people it's all about artificially extending the game and artificially making the game harder. (even though it doesn't really)

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