I want to see six SunSingers unload two Solar Grenades and seven shots from Dragon's Breath on a single enemy. 6x9 is 54. 54 Solar Flares at once. 54. Fvckmothering. Solar. Flares. Can someone please do this?
I have an erection
Yeah and get them all with sun breakers with song on flame and radiance going.
Do it on atheon? It might work wonders
Lol...I now HAVE to do this. I've done something that's the solo equivalent to Omnigul: three quick Dragonsbreath rounds bracketing her in, quick grenade, Four shots from Golden Gun, and just to add insult to injury, three more Dragonsbreath rounds: Burn, bi$&@, BURN !!!
What I really wanna see is 6 guardians shooting their super good advice at one exact spot on a wall.....
Dude you are onto something here. That sounds pretty serious doesn't it?!? I'll try getting a fellow warlock to try this with me and post you back!
Are you on PS4? Cuz I I'm a SunSinger with DB and would actually really enjoy seeing this in person. XD
Xbox one 😢 I'd love to try this with you if we could!
i'm down to try this, i'm on XB1 too.... GT: Houze968