If you could only choose one load out for the entire game, this means all raids, nightfalls, missions, crucible, iron banner etc. what would it be and why?
I would choose:
Word of Crota
Longbow Synth (Arc)
This would give me each elemental damage type, let me have a hand cannon (my favorite primary type), and give me the jelly horn for taking down Crota. Not to mention a decent crucible loadout.
Edit: You still can't equip more than one exotic.
Edit2: Looks like the most popular choices are:
Fatebringer/Word of Crota/Fang of IY
Black Hammer/Icebreaker/E. Spear
Gjallarhorn/Hunger of Crota/Radegast
Monte Carlo- only got it from nf last week after trying for ages Black hammer- best *blam*ing gun in the game Hunger of crota- ghallarhorn but easier to get and doesnt waste an exotic slot
Suros Black hammer Hunger of Crota
Another NITC, Secret HandShake, Against All Odds... I really only keep exotics equipped to prove I have them lol
Fang or ir yut Icebreaker Corrective measure or legendary void rocket with proximity/tracking and 3 shells in the tube
Fang of Ir Yût Black Hammer Gjallarhorn
Primary: oversoul eddict Secondary: LDR (solar with firefly) Heavy: ghorn
Fatebringer (if its upgradeable) Icebreaker (infinite ammo) The VOG launcher (if it was upgradeable)
WoC or FB BH Gjallarhorn
Gjhallahorn Icebreaker and red Death
The Last Word Prudence with my LDR specs (maybe Void) My Zombie Apocalypse (Solar)
Gjallarhorn, hawkmoon and Fatebringer
Fatebringer (Arc and Firefly) Blackhammer (endless bullets-bosses) Corrective Measure (Void for vex) (i don't have truth, but I'd use that if I did)
Only a couple of pve load outs really make sense to me: 1.) Legendary Primary (FB/WoC) + IB + HoC 2.) Legendary Primary (FB/WoC) + BH + GHORN 3.) Exotic Primary (Hawkmoon/Thorn/Vex) + BH + HoC and the one that I mostly use now but everyone seems to be skipping: 4.) Legendary Scout Rifle + Invective + HOC
Hawkmoon Blackhammer Hunger -or- Fatebringer Icebreaker Hunger -or- Fatebringer Bkackhammer GHorn
Oversoul Edict Icebreaker Steel Oracle (Void)
Fang of Ir Yut, Efrideet's Spear, Gjallarhorn.
Warlock melee Plan c The devil you know
Fang of iryut, black hammer, thunderlord.
Word of Crota, ice breaker, hunger of Crota. So I can still do the heavy ammo glitch. If not I would do word of Crota, blackhammer, gally
Vex Black hammer Hunger
Timur's Lash E Spear Gjallarhorn Anybody else choosing e spear over anything including exotics?
Fatebringer E.Spear void Ghorn
Hawkmoon Falewinters Lie Radegast
Red death Ice breaker Harms way
Word of Crota Patience and tune Hunger of Crota
Fatebringer Black hammer Ghallahorn