We've been stagnant for far too long and I'm finally back in the game. Clan leaders are myself and DeadlyArch0n. We have people who have beaten Crota on hard and decent people all around, but are looking to fill our ranks so we can get back to running more raids every week. Run times will typically go in the evenings, probably around 5pm Pacific standard time, 8pm East coast and 7 for anyone central time. Tuesday-Friday for run days. We are looking for smart, dedicated and eager to learn raiders, experience is a plus, but if not, be willing to learn. Picking up tactics is a must and we are not here to carry anyone who can not carry their own weight. If you are experienced, we absolutely love your experience, but be willing to work with a team, over competitive idiots make clan runs into dog fights and we aren't here to pick fights with each other. We are a mature clan, so 18+ and this isn't negotiable.
Gt worldlyrat556 2 lvl 32 Titans an 31 warlock just not lookin to join a kids clan