For anyone who isn't familiar with this thing called the interweb highway it stands for "ask me anything"
[spoiler]hehe desticle now knows how it feels[/spoiler]
Edit: eh
Edit: Thanks BryceJonathan for helping out with the thread!
Edit 300+ holy shot this did a lot better then if I posted it in off topic
Edit: 500!!! That's like a shit ton of beers...
Edit: Finally 700!!! Although this is mostly dead is like to point out that not one person cared that this wasn't in off topic... So yea good for you guys! Also I'm flattered that 76 people like me enough to follow me... The only problem is now whenever I think of something to post I get really anxious that people did people will think "why the hell did I follow this guy??"
Thanks to sirREGINALD the -blam!-er posts more on this thread then anybody else and he's pretty funny :P
Anyway... If we could get 900 I will be so happy I'll do a dare voted on by you guys and grills... As long as it's the most voted and not EXTREMELY Bad like eating shit or -blam!- I'll do it... Keep warm and don't let the frostbite bite ;)
So what do you guys call Canadian bacon?
Canadian bacon!!!!! Had to...
Why is Canada so beautiful?
Do you get milk in a bag, eh?
Is Canada a real country?
Are you scared of the dark?
What part of Canada
Why are you different from me ? Im scared of things that aernt exactly like why
Do you like Canadia? [spoiler]soory[/spoiler]
I am CANADIAN... Also! I shall be the friendly Canadian im supposed to be and help out with the questions!
I did this exact AMA back in October or early November. How does it feel knowing someone beat you to the punch?
Edited by TaCTiCaL32: 2/5/2015 12:00:26 PMWhy do you people insist on running Arc weapons during a Void burn? How much Ice do you harvest per week? Is it true you guys make your own snow for your 2 weeks of summer so nobody gets depressed?
Are you sorry?
If you scratch a Canadian dollar, does it REALLY smell like syrup?
I heard that there are more deaths in Canada from Moose attacks than anything else, any truth to this? Wouldn't surprise me, those Moose are brutal sob's.
Do you enjoy being Americas top hat?
Do you know grow medical marijuana for the government? If not why? ;)
How does it feel knowing Burger King owns Timmy Ho's?
How is it living in a country that isn't a corrupt piece of shit?
How do you feel about ice hockey?
Change the title to EHmEH
Why is Crosby a crybaby?
Is there a moose loose aboot this hooooose??
You sorry brah?
What are your feelings on poutine?