The title says it all! Post your funniest yo mama jokes here and let the laughs begin!
"yo mama so fat the Cabals mistaken her as a planet and blew her up"
"Yo mama so fat she captures all 3 flags in control at once"
"Yo mama so fat when she takes a consumable she eats the whole stack"
Now go! Your turn! :D
Edit: Just want to say thanks to everyone that has posted and that this thread has given me so many laughs! Let's keep this thread going!
Edit: Thank you again everyone that has posted! Every time I need a good laugh I always go to this thread! All thanks to you guys!
Yo mama so... [spoiler]UGL3H[/spoiler] I went to your house to hang out with you, and as I entered the front door with you, looked at your mama, I yelled "HOW DID CROTA GET IN HERE???"
You're momma's so fat that she doesn't need to be a Titan to use fist of havoc. She just jumps
Edited by WorsePanther310: 6/8/2015 3:08:06 PMYour mama is so fat that when she enters the tower Lord Shaxx yells "you're crushing them!"
Yo mama is so fat, she got banned
Yo mama so ugly Truth's rounds aggressively avoid her
Is my wife. Now go to bed son.
Yo mama is so fat that her ass cracked called oryx
Yo mama's so ugly, when she looks at the gorgons they get a debuff called "yo mama's gaze"
Yo momma so wolf she's the whole house
Your momma is so stupid. She tried to use a shader for the sun You momma so desperate. When we say down crota, she goes down on crota
I'll re post one of my old ones from a different thread. Ahem. Your mom is so fat, when I pulled down her panties, I thought a fanatic died.
Your momma's so fat she got hit by a nova bomb and said "that tickles!"
Your mother is so over weight...... We are all concerned about her health
I shit myself. Wet farts are the shit
Yo mama so fat they call her booty cheeks the dark below
yo mama so old, in her history class, she just wrote down what she was doin!
Yo mamma's so stupid, she thought the prison of elders was a retirement home.
Your mama so fat skolas thought she was a pilot sevitor
Your mama so fat she clogs the time streams
Yo mama so fat and dumb the only raid she can flawless is the refrigerator on hard.
Yo momma is so frghtening in the bedroom she sounds like Omimguls screeching
This is awesome lol
Yo mama so fat that people think she's the traveler when she wears chatterwhite
Yo mama so ugly Wolfpack rounds avoid her
Yo mama so smart she coded optional matchmaking & in-game lfg tools but the devs fired her. Oooooooooooo