And sorry, if you're still doing VOG for any reason. You're far from great, scrub.
Someone's jelly those chests gave him another class item Ahhh shucks.. need your binky?
nah, he's a thumb sucker
Thats good for mommy and daddy...cheaper on nuk nuks and binkys. All the tears and sucking would burn through an untold amount of those. Watch the thumb chaffing too little one, we dont want you bitching about that now
Lol you're an idiot. Why would you pass up two guaranteed exotic drop chances? If you're NOT doing VoG hard each week then YOU'RE the scrub.
Cause I have every exotic? ...
Lol, who's the scrub now? (;
It's a waste of time that's why lol
It takes 30 minutes to clear unless you're playing with a team of retarded squirrels. Let me guess. You'd rather spend the time loot-caving.
No I take care of my son :) who cares if you have every exotic?
Who said anything about every exotic? If you're going to waste time playing the game, at least make it high level end game content with a chance of decent rewards.
What's the reward? I don't need anything else lol
Maybe free exotics? Or the VoG weapons that still somehow manage to evade you?
the one gun I need from vog of glass is fatebringer after all this time still :(
What? I run voghm with 32s all the time
Thanks man! Had to get FB and vex... Maybe greatness shall follow?