originally posted in:DadsofDestiny X1 Delta
Hello all I'm e5 I'm 34 a father of 2 girls we have a dog and I have a wife . I'm ret army and have a lot of time to play I've a 32 hunter a 31 lock and a 30 titan they all have raid gear just not many shards. I'm down to raid and party up if anyone feels like having me along. Gt e5 4 life Xbox one only.
Good runs last night man. Not for the glitchin we woulda been golden. Add me to run anytime e5.
I'm going to run the weekly if I can get two for the clan to join
Welcome to the clan and thank you for your service! GT is same as name here. PST and on mostly evenings and weekends. Lvl 32 Titan and always up for anything.